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Post Info TOPIC: Game 457 - Make Pairings From Separate Series - Re-Open

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Game 457 - Make Pairings From Separate Series - Re-Open

By Popular Demand (or maybe just honeybee), this Game re-opening!!! :)

For those who have played this game, you would already be familiar with the rules...
But for those who haven't, please read:

How to Play:
First I'll give you Four random series.
For example: The Prince's Shadow, Love Bond, Life Made Simple, Healing Hands 3.

Then You must take 1 actor/actress from each series.
*Note: Take 2 actors and 2 actresses, then pair them up with Seperate Series.

First Possible Answer:
Tavia Yeung (The Prince's Shadow) + Moses Chan (Love Bond) = Land of Wealth.
Jessica Hsuan (Life Made Simple) + Bowie Lam (Healing Hands 3) = Invisible Journey.

Second Possible Answer:
Melissa Ng (Healing Hands 3) + Marco Ngai (The Prince's Shadow) = Riches and Stitches.
Bernice Liu (Love Bond) + Bosco Wong (Life Made Simple) = Devil's Disciples.

Okay? Next:
Ultra Protection, Under the Canopy of Love, Untraceable Evidence, Ups and Downs in the Sea of Love.

-- Edited by AM_092 at 23:53, 2007-06-26


TVB Guru

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Yay! Thanks for reopening this game, AM!

Kenny Wong (Ultra Protection) + Claire Yiu (Under the Canopy of Love) = Land of Wealth

Timmy Ho (Untraceable Evidence) + Winnie Yeung (Ups and Downs in the Sea of Love) = Detective Investigation Files 3

next: A Case of Misadventure, At Home with Love, Happy Ever After, Lofty Water Verdant Bow

-- Edited by honeybee at 00:17, 2007-06-27


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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so its a
Character from the first series + a character from the second series = the series which they were both paired up with?


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To Tiffany - Yes!

Flora Chan (A Case of Misadventure) + Lawrence Ng (At Home With Love) = A Taste of Love.

Suet Nei (Happy Ever After) + Eddy Ko (Lofty Waters Verdant Bow) = Au Revoir Shanghai.

Virtues of Harmony, Angels of Mission, Love is Beautiful, Forensic Heroes.


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Steven Ma (virtue of Harmony) + Charmaine Sheh (Angels of Mission) = Return of the Cuckoo

Anne Heung (Love is Beautiful) + Frankie Lam (forensic Heroes) = Face to Fate



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Michael Tse (Virtues of Harmony) + Sonija Kwok (Angels of Mission) = Love and Again

Bobby Au Yeung (Forensic Heroes) + Marianne Chan (Love is Beautiful) = Witness to a Prosecution

next: Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion, Placebo Cure, Ten Brothers, The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow

-- Edited by honeybee at 00:38, 2007-06-27


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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To Tiffany:
Your one was incorrect because Steven Ma did not star in Virtues of Harmony (He was in Virtues of Harmony 2).

Kenix Kwok (Ten Brothers) + Sunny Chan (Placebo Cure) = At the Threshold of An Era.

Melissa Ng (The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow) + Raymond Lam (Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion) = La Femme Desperado.

To Get Unstuck In Time, When Rules Turn Loose, Take My Word For It, Always Ready.


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Thanks for re-opening the game AM! I love this game too!

Roger Kwok (To Get Unstuck in Time) + Myolie Wu (When Rules Turn Loose) = Scavenger's Paradise

Julian Cheung (Take My Word for It) + Charmaine Sheh (Always Ready) = Return of the Cuckoo.

Next: Lady Flower Fist, The Charm Beneath , CIB Files, Find the Light


credit to honeybee for the banner and cari @ for the avatar

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Wong Hei (CIB Files) + Esther Kwan (Lady Flower Fist) = Burning Flame

Ron Ng (Find the Light) + Mandy Cho (The Charm Beneath) = Guts of Man

next: Perish in the Name of Love, The Conquerors Story, Virtues of Harmony, When Rules Turn Loose


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Charmaine Sheh (PITNOL) + Sammul Chan (WRTL) = White Flame
Wayne Lai (Conqureor's story) + Halina Tam (VOH) = Gentle Crackdown

Virtues of Harmony 2
Change of Destiny
Herbalist's Mannual
Love Guaraunteed


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Benny Chan (A Change of Destiny) + Linda Chung (Virtues of Harmony 2) = The Biter Bitten

Kenneth Ma (Love Guaranteed) + Michelle Yip (The Herbalists Manual) = Lost in the Chamber of Love

next: A Taste of Love, Into Thin Air, Life Made Simple, The Dance of Passion


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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You're welcome, cute_strawberry21!!

Power Chan (Into Thin Air) + Angela Tong (Life Made Simple) = Wong Fei Hung - Master of Kung Fu.

Bowie Lam (The Dance of Passion) + Flora Chan (A Taste of Love) = Untraceable Evidence.

The Green Grass of Home, The Family Link, Heart of Greed, On the First Beat.


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Ron Ng (On the First Beat) + Leila Tong (The Family Link) = Twin of Brothers

Raymond Lam (Heart of Greed) + Mimi Lo (The Green Grass of Home) = Blade Heart

next: Burning Flame, Lady Fan, War and Beauty, Where the Legend Begins


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Joe Ma (Lady Fan) + Charmaine Sheh (War and Beauty) = Strike At Heart.

Chin Ka Lok (Burning Flame) + Ada Choi (Where the Legend Begins) = A Matter of Business.

Point of No Return, Not Just A Pretty Face, Seed of Hope, Survivor's Law.


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Roger Kwok (Not Just a Pretty Face) + Myolie Wu (Survivor's Law) = Scavengers' Paradise

Patrick Tam (Seed of Hope) + Charmaine Sheh (Point of No Return) = Angels of Mission

next: Hidden Treasures, Land of Wealth, The Vigilante in the Mask, Witness to a Prosecution

-- Edited by honeybee at 23:22, 2007-06-27


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Kenneth Ma (The Vigilante in the Mask) + Tavia Yeung (Land of Wealth) = Eternal Happiness.

Jessica Hsuan (Witness to a Prosecution) + Bobby Au Yeung (Hidden Treasures) = Dicey Business.

A Step Into the Past, Glittering Days, Buring Flame 2, The Brink of Law.


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Alex Fong (Burning Flame 2) + Sonija Kwok (A Step into the Past) = Love and Again

Steven Ma (The Brink of Law) + Charmaine Sheh (Glittering Days) = Perish in the Name of Love

next: Guts of Man, Healing Hands, Take My Word for It, The W Files


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Savio Tsang (Guts of Man) + Anne Heung (The W Files) = The Charm Beneath.

Bobby Au Yeung (Take My Word For It) + Ada Choi (Healing Hands) = Armed Reaction 3.

Once Upon A Time in Shanghai, Seven Sisters, Au Revoir Shanghai, Time Before Time.


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Gordon Lam (Time Before Time) + Charmaine Sheh (Seven Sisters) = Country Spirit

Bowie Lam (Once Upon a Time in Shanghai) + Sonija Kwok (Au Revoir Shanghai) = Fight for Love

next: Love Guaranteed, Reaching Out, Shine on You, Street Fighters


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Melissa Ng (Love Guaranteed) + Michael Tao (Shine on You) = Fantasy Hotel.

Michelle Yip (Street Fighters) + Benny Chan (Reaching Out) = Gods of Honour.

A Matter of Customs, Best Bet, Eternal Happiness, Revolving Doors of Vengeance.


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Jessica Hsuan (A Matter of Custom) + Joe Ma (Revolving Doors of Vengeance) = Lady Fan

Linda Chung (Best Bet) + Raymond Lam (Eternal Happiness) = Heart of Greed

next: The Academy, Square Pegs, Into Thin Air, Dicey Business


credit to honeybee for the banner and cari @ for the avatar

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Sammul Chan (The Academy) + Leila Tong (Square Pegs) = Bar Benders

Bosco Wong (Dicey Business) + Bernice Liu (Into Thin Air) = Devil's Disciples

next: Lofty Water Verdant Bow, Love is Beautiful, My Family, Scavengers' Paradise

-- Edited by honeybee at 09:24, 2007-06-29


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Anne Heung (Love is Beautiful) + Moses Chan (Family Man)= Charm Beneath
Raymond Lam (LWVB)+ Moylie Wu (SP) = Survivor's Law

AntiCrime Squad, Life Made Simple, Forensic Heroes, Face To Fate


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i want to try again

Benny Chan (AntiCrime Squad) + Selena Li (Life Made Simple) = A Change in Destiny
Linda Chung (Forensic Heroes) + Raymond Lam (Face to Fate) = Heart of Greed

Vigilant Force, The Last Breakthrough, Brink of Law, To Grow with love


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I'm getting confused Tiffany! :)

Joe Ma (Vigilante Force) + Myolie Wu (To Grow With Love) = The Gateau Affairs.

Steven Ma (Brink of Law) + Sonija Kwok (The Last Breakthrough) = Perish in the Name of Love.

The Gentle Crackdown, Just Love, Wars of In-Laws, The Charm Beneath.


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Michael Tong (The Charm Beneath) + Halina Tam (The Gentle Crackdown) = The W Files

Sunny Chan (Just Love) + Myolie Wu (War of In-Laws) = War and Destiny

next: Always Ready, La Femme Desperado, Seven Sisters, The Brink of Law


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Kong Wah (Seven Sisters) + Melissa Ng (La Femme Desperado) = The Conqueror's Story.

Ron Ng (The Brink of Law) + Shirley Yeung (Always Ready) = Find the Light.

At Home With Love, Hard Fate, Real Kung Fu, Armed Reaction.


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Lawrence Ng (At Home with Love) + Flora Chan (Hard Fate) = A Taste of Love

Stephen Au (Real Kung Fu) + Joyce Tang (Armed Reaction) = Witness to a Prosecution 2

next: Crimson Saber, Man's Best Friend, The Criminal Investigator, The Legend of Love


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Gordon Lam (Crimson Saber) + Kenix Kwok (The Criminal Investigator) = Simply Ordinary.

Louis Koo (Man's Best Friend) + Sonija Kwok (The Legend of Love) = A Step Into the Past.

To Catch the Uncatchable, Split Second, Greed Mask, Invisible Journey.


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Roger Kwok (Greed Mask) + Ada Choi (To Catch the Uncatchable) = At the Threshold of an Era 2

Bowie Lam (Invisible Journey) + Yoyo Mung (Split Second) = The Green Hope

next: A Matter of Customs, Just Love, Point of No Return, Twin of Brothers

AM: Yay! You got one of my couples correct. That was my second time I tried it.


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Honeybee: You got Roger+Ada right too! Though I was thinking of Joyce+Marco.

Christine Ng (Twin of Brothers) + Sunny Chan (Just Love) = The Green Grass of Home.

Liza Wang (A Matter of Customs) + Damian Lau (Point of No Return) = An Awakening Story.

Did I get your ones right?

Here, try this:
Devil's Disciples, Face to Fate, Happy Ever After, Slim Chances.


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AM: No, those weren't the ones I was thinking of.

Frankie Lam (Face to Fate) + Bernice Liu (Devils Disciples) = Virtues of Harmony

Kevin Cheng (Slim Chances) + Nadia Chan (Happy Ever After) = Trimming Success

next: A Change of Destiny, Best Bet, Square Pegs, Treasure Raiders


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Honeybee: You got Nadia+Kevin right!

Benny Chan (A Change of Destiny) + Linda Chung = The Biter Bitten.

Roger Kwok (Square Pegs) + Anne Heung (Treasure Raiders) = The W Files.

Lofty Waters Verdant Bow, On the Track of Off, The Green Hope, Scavenger's Paradise.


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AM: Really? I thought Frankie & Bernice would be correct. You didn't get mine right though.

Kenneth Ma (Scavengers' Paradise) + Michelle Yip (Lofty Water Verdant Bow) = Lost in the Chamber of Love

Bowie Lam (The Green Hope) + Ada Choi (On the Track or Off) = The Dance of Passion

next: Face to Fate, Hidden Treasures, Men in Pain, Real Kung Fu

-- Edited by honeybee at 22:24, 2007-06-30


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Selena Li (Face to Fate) + Jack Wu (Real Kung Fu) = To Grow with Love

Shirley Yeung (Hidden Treasure) + Ron Ng (Men in Pain) = Find the Light

next: The Herbalist Manuel, A Knot to Treasure, Devil's Disciple, Rememberance


credit to honeybee for the banner and cari @ for the avatar

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Chilam Cheung (Remembrance) + Nadia Chan (A Knot to Treasure) = Cold Blood Warm Heart

Kenneth Ma (The Herbalist's Manual) + Bernice Liu (Devil's Disciples) = Into Thin Air

next: At the Threshold of an Era, Eternal Happiness, Mystery Files, The Legendary of Lady Yang

-- Edited by honeybee at 01:13, 2007-07-01


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Maggie Cheung (Mystery Files) + Joe Ma (Eternal Happiness) = Let's Face It.

Anne Heung (The Legendary of Lady Yang) + Louis Koo (ATE) = Detective Investigation Files 4.

Legal Entanglement, Old Time Buddy, Lady Flower Fist, Heavenly In-Laws.

(To honeybee: Oh I was thinking of Kevin (DD) + Nadia (HEA) = TS, & Frankie (FTF) + Annie (SC) = Colourful Life).


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Michael Tse (Legal Entanglement) + Linda Chung (Heaven In-Laws) = Best Bet

Kong Wah (Lady Flower Fist) + Maggie Cheung (Old Time Buddy) = The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow

next: Guts of Man, Survivors Law, The Family Link, Time Off

AM: Oh, okay. Well, you got Joe+Maggie right. That's the second time I've tried that couple.


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Sammul Chan (Survivor's Law) + Charamine Sheh (Time Off) = White Flame
Ron Ng (GOM) + Leila Tong (Family Link) = War and Destiny

Next: VOH, Glitering Days, Journey to the West, Country Spirit


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Cutie Mui (Virtues of Harmony) + Gordon Lam (Country Spirit) = Show Time Blues.

Halina Tam (Glittering Days) + Wayne Lai (Journey to the West) = The Gentle Crackdown.

Dragon Love, Men in Pain, Family Man, A Pillow Case of Mystery.


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Chin Ka Lok (Dragon Love) + Tavia Yeung (A Pillow Case of Mystery) = Good Against Evil
Damian Lau (Men in Pain) + Flora Chan (Family Man) = Hard Fate

next: Burning Flame 2, Fight for Love, La Femme Desperado, The Slicing of the Demon


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Sonija Kwok (Fight for Love) + Alex Fong (Burning Flame 2) = Love and Again.

Bernice Liu (The Slicing of the Demon) + Kenneth Ma (La Femme Desperado) = Into Thin Air.

My Family, Road to Eternity, The Drive of Life, Doomed to Oblivion.


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Gordon Lam (Road to Eternity) + Nadia Chan (Doomed to Oblivion) = Legendary of the Four Aces
Ron Ng (The Drive of Life) + Shirley Yeung (My Family) = Find the Light

next: An Awakening Story, The Gentle Crackdown, The Herbalists Manual, Yummy Yummy

AM: You got Kenneth & Bernice right!

-- Edited by honeybee at 08:56, 2007-07-03


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Maggie Cheung (An Awakening Story) + Moses Chan (The Gentle Crackdown) = War and Beauty.

Selena Li (The Herbalist's Manual) + Raymond Lam (Yummy Yummy) = Face to Fate.

The Battle Against Evil, Lost in the Chamber of Love, Gods of Honour, Square Pegs.

honeybee: You got both couples correct!!


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Power Chan (Lost in the Chamber of Love) + Mimi Lo (The Battle Against Evil) = Lofty Water Verdant Bow
Lee Kwok Lun (Square Pegs) + Kingdom Yuen (Gods of Honor) = Virtues of Harmony 2

next: Blade Heart, The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow, Triumph in the Skies, When Rules Turn Loose

AM: I did? Woohoo! You didn't get mine right though.

-- Edited by honeybee at 19:26, 2007-07-03


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Raymond Lam (Blade Heart) + Melissa Ng (TKOYAT) = LFD
Ha Yu (WRTL) + Mary Hon (TITS) = BOL

Love Is Beatiful, Witness to a Prosecution, War and Beauty, Heavenly In Laws


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Moses Chan (War and Beauty) + Anne Heung (Love is Beautiful) = Riches and Stitches
Michael Tse (Witness to a Prosecution) + Linda Chung (Heavenly In-Laws) = Best Bet

next: Doomed to Oblivion, The Conqueror's Story, The Last Breakthrough, Wong Fei Hung Master of Kung Fu

-- Edited by honeybee at 20:39, 2007-07-03


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Wong Hei (Doomed to Oblivion) + Maggie Cheung (The Conqueror's Story) = Burning Flame 2.

Kenneth Ma (Wong Fei Hung Master of Kung Fu) + Leila Tong (The Last Breakthrough) = The Family Link.

Welcome to the House, Dicey Business, Secret of the Heart, Au Revoir Shanghai.

Honeybee: Yeah, you did! I never get both of yours... But I'll try again.


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Lawrence Cheng (Welcome to the House) + Ada Choi (Secret of the Heart) = Man of Wisdom
Bobby Au Yeung (Dicey Business) + Sonija Kwok (Au Revoir Shanghai) = Hidden Treasures

next: Not Just a Pretty Face, The Charm Beneath, Trimming Success, War and Destiny

AM: You didn't get mine again, but keep trying. I usually think I won't get yours because I think it's hard to guess which couples you're thinking of. I'm happy if I even get one couple correct.


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Roger Kwok (NJAPF) + Myolie Wu (WAD) = Scavenger's Paradise
Sharon Chan (TCB) + Keving Cheung (TS) = Devil's Desciples

Heart of Greed. Kindred Spirit, Country Spirit, Welcome To the House

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