I've seen all of When Dreams Come True, and don't mind re-watching it. I've seen the first few episodes of Lost in Love, but haven't watched the other 2. I'm going to choose the 1st choice because LIL, seems like a good series, and I'm more interested in MOE than RH.
Next: Would you rather watch/re-watch: -Seven Sisters and Virtues of Harmony. OR -Time before Time and The Colourful Life.
Definitely the 2nd choice! I rewatched Where the Legend Begins last year, and I have little interest in On the Track or Off. As for the 2nd choice, I've only wseen Let's Face It, which I remember liking very much. I know a little bit about An Awakening Story, and it sounds pretty interesting (good cast too), and I've seen the first few episodes of Summer Heat, and the mystery is intriguing.
Next: Would you rather watch/re-watch: -A Loving Spirit and The Conquest. OR -A Smiling Ghost Story and The Legend of Lady Yang.
I haven't watched TDOL, but I'm going to choose the first choice because I don't like SOTH that much. Besides, I am kind of re-watching ATE on Saturdays; I just re-watched an episode and a half today.
next: Would you rather watch/re-watch:
Cold Blood Warm Heart and Golden Faith OR Detective Investigation Files 4, A Step into the Past, and Man's Best Friend
Hmm... I'd probably want to watch/re-watch all of them! I'm going to go with the 2nd choice, even though I've seen all 3 of them (bits of DIF4) and none of CBWH and Golden Faith... It's not that I don't find the 2 in the 1st choice interesting, I just don't have the urge to go out and rent/buy them to watch. On the other hand, I've always liked A Step Into the Past and wouldn't mind rewatching it, and in my memory DIF4 and Man's Best Friend were pretty good too.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Journey to the West and Gods of Honour. OR -Take My Word For It and Catch Me Now.
I've re-watched GOH and CMN within 1-2 months ago, and TMWFI not long ago either. It's kind of hard to choose. I want to re-watch JTTW but not GOH again, yet I do not want to re-watch the two series in the 2nd choice. I'll choose the first choice because I really haven't watched JTTW in a long time.
next: Would you rather watch/re-watch:
The Last Breakthrough and Ups and Downs in the Sea of Love OR The Stamp of Love and Riches and Stitches
The 2nd choice! I lost interest in the Last Breakthrough in the first few episodes, and I have no interest rewatching it. But I really liked Ups and Downs in the Sea of Love. Since I haven't seen the Stamp of Love, i'd rather give it a chance, and rewatch Riches and Stitches, which I also liked.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Life for Life and Love and Beautiful. OR -Game of Deceit and Feminine Masculinity.
I like LFL and LIB and I have rewatched those two more than the other two series in the 2nd choice. I really need to rewatch the other two, especially GOD because I really don't remember much of it. I'll choose the 2nd choice.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
Life for Life and Face to Face OR Good Against Evil and The Battle Against Evil
Hmm... from that bunch, I would like to rewatch Life for Life the most! But since I have little interest in Face to Face, I'd rather rewatch the Battle Against Evil (which I never finished) and watch Good Against Evil. So the 2nd choice.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Old Time Buddy and Heavenly In-Laws. OR -Glittering Days and Scavenger's Paradise.
Hmm... I think I'm gonna choose the 2nd choice. I've seen both PITNOL and Country Spirit, and even though I can't remember much from each, I think Perish was quite draggy, whilst Country was a lot better... And since I haven't seen either Legend of Love or Plain Love 2, I'd rather watch the latter.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Sade Guards and Real Kung Fu. OR -Lady Fan and The Vigilante In the Mask.
1st because I liked those two series more. Besides, I just rewatched LF awhile back and I don't really like TVITM, even though I kind of need to rewatch because I don't remember much of it.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
The Legendary Four Aces and Once Upon a Time in Shanghai OR Happy Ever After, Road to Eternity, Simply Ordinary, and Mutual Affection
Hmm... I kind of thought I should choose the 1st one, since there's twice as many in the 2nd choice... But I'd choose the 2nd one because I'd rather watch/re-watch those ones, and I'm not that interested in Once Upon a Time in Shanghai.
Next: Would you rather watch/re-watch: -Treasure Raiders and A Case of Misadventure. OR -Twin of Brothers and Lofty Waters Verdant Bow.
Even though there's twice as many series, the number of eps of the series from the 2nd choice is just 8 (I think) eps difference from the two in the 1st choice.
Anyway, I want to rewatch LWVB, but not TOB. Besides, TOB just finished playing about 3 weeks ago and I rewatched the last ep only. I'll choose the 1st choice, even though I'm not too interested in those two series.
It's kind of funny that when you list two series in the two choices, I only want to watch one of the series from each choice. I do that too, but I do that because I kind of know and guess what you have watched; also, I usually put down one series that I like and one I don't like.
next: Would you rather watch/re-watch:
Not Just a Pretty Face and Greed Mask OR Seed of Hope and Angels of Mission
-- Edited by honeybee on Tuesday 25th of August 2009 08:04:46 PM
I mostly pick ones from the same genre, year, etc... Or just random :)
Hmm... I think I'd pick the 1st choice, though I'd want to rewatch AOM too. I've seen Not Just A Pretty Face, but I didn't pay much attention, and I haven't Greed Mask yet. I didn't finish Seed of Hope (watched 1-2 eps), but I'm more interested in GM.
Next: Would you rather watch: -Armed Reaction 1-4 and Vigilante Force. OR -Detective Investigation Files 1-4 and A Matter of Customs.
I like DIF 1-3 more and would like to rewatch DIF 4, but I also haven't rewatched AR series in a long time (Well, I did rewatch AR 1 awhile back but not the others), and I like VF more than AMOC, so I'll choose the 1st choice.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
The Sky is the Limit and Invisible Journey OR Anti-Crime Squad and Web of Love
-- Edited by honeybee on Wednesday 26th of August 2009 08:31:54 AM
I'm going to choose the first choice. Web of Love is actually the only series there that I haven't watched. I've watched Anti-Crime squad, but I don't recall much of it, and that's the same for The Sky is the Limit. I remember most parts of Invisible Journey and I'd like to rewatch it, and I'm more interested in the Sky is the Limit than Anti Crime Squad.
Next: Would you rather watch/re-watch: -Heart of Greed and Moonlight Resonance. OR -Under the Canopy of Love and The Seventh Day.
2nd choice because there's less number of eps than the series in the first choice and because I don't think I could rewatch HOG. I am rewatching some of MR right now though. I rewatched TSD not long ago, but I don't think I mind rewatching it again and I kind of want to rewatch UTCOL anyway.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
Summer Heat and A Taste of Love OR Land of Wealth and Love and Again
Hmm... I think I'd take the 1st choice. I think I've previously explained that I'd like to rewatch Summer Heat, and I really enjoyed A Taste of Love the few times that I've seen it. I seen both LOW and Love and Again, and they're pretty good, but not something I'd like to rewatch (unlike A Taste of Love).
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Lost In the Chamber of Love and Guts of Man. OR -Revolving Doors of Vengeance and Men in Pain.
Either choice because I want to rewatch all four series, especially LITCOL and RDOV. If I had to choose, probably 1st choice because less number of eps and I probably want to rewatch GOM more than MIP.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
The Herbalist's Manual and The Driving Power OR Scavengers' Paradise and Love Guaranteed
Hmm... Definitely the 2nd choice, since I've seen both series in the 1st choice, whilst I haven't seen LG, and I liked SP a lot more than the other 2.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Hidden Treasures, Fantasy Hotel and The Biter Bitten. OR -Reaching Out, Fate Twisters and A Journey Called Life.
1st choice because there's less eps to watch and because I liked TBB and don't mind rewatching the other two series. I've just rewatched AJCL and some of FT not long ago; I would like to rewatch RO but it's quite long.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
The Conqueror's Story, A Step into the Past, The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow OR The Four, Twin of Brothers, Lofty Waters Verdant Bow
Definitely the first choice!!! The 3 in the 2nd choice, don't interest me at all. I have no intention in watching the Four, and I've seen LWVB and bits of TOB. I really like A Step Into the Past and wouldn't mind rewatching it, i've seen KOYAT once and really liked it (except the ending!), and I would really really like to rewatch the Conqueror's story, as I didn't really watch it properly (and I'd probably like to watch any series with Maggie. I remember that she did a great performance in there).
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Justice Sung 1-2 and Survivor's Law 1-2. OR -Witness to a Prosecution 1-2 and Untraceable Evidence 1-2.
-- Edited by AM_092 on Friday 28th of August 2009 01:59:28 AM
Well, the only one I'm not too interested in is Justice Sung, but I think I do need to rewatch it because I don't remember a thing. I just rewatched Survivor's Law 1-2 not long ago though. I think I'll choose the 2nd choice because I want to re-watch UE 1-2 again. I rewatched it within a year ago, but I really don't remember much. Somehow, I just can't remember much about the cases even though I rewatched it not long ago. I do want to rewatch WTAP 1-2, so 2nd choice.
next: same question (Sorry, but I gotta go to work.)
:) I'm going to choose the 2nd choice as well, because I prefer crime/forensic series more than law-type series, and I wouldn't mind watching Survivor's Law, but I'm not so interested in the sequel. I do want to rewatch WTAP1-2 as well, as I remember they were both great series. I haven't watched UE1-2, so I wouldn't mind watching it.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Love Bond and Love Guaranteed. OR -Love Exchange and Love is Beautiful.
Well, I haven't watched LE yet, but I'm not too interested in it, and I rewatched LIB within a year ago, so I'm going to choose the 1st choice because I would like to rewatch both of those series.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
The Ultimate Crime Fighter and Last One Standing OR Dicey Business and Love Exchange
Hmm... I think I'll take the 1st choice. I would really like to rewatch and finish the Ultimate Crime Fighter, and though I have little interest in continuing Last One Standing, I do want to see if it's as good as most people say... As for Dicey Business, it was a good series, but it had quite a few bits that were draggy, so I wouldn't want to rewatch the whole series. As for LE, I haven't seen it either, and have little interest in watching it.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -The Dance of Passion and Hard Fate. OR -The Kung Fu Master and Aiming High.
2nd because there's less eps. Even though I don't remember much from HF, I don't really want to rewatch it. I do kind of want to rewatch TDOP though; it's actually playing now and I thought about rewatching it, but it plays on Saturdays and I'm at work during the time it's on. I don't really want to rewatch TKFM either, but I do AH, so 2nd choice.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
In the Realm of Success and Doomed to Oblivion OR In the Realm of Fancy and The Stamp of Love
Definitely the 1st choice!! I've already seen In the Realm of Success and Doomed to Oblivion, but I really liked them, so I'd really like to rewatch them. I didn't finish In the Realm of Fancy because I got a bit uniterested, and I haven't seen The Stamp of Love, but I haven't heard many good things about it.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Food for Life and The Drive of Life. OR -Vagabond Vigilante and The Conquest.
Probably 2nd choice because I believe there's less eps and because I haven't watched both of those yet. I haven't watched TDOL either, but I don't really want to rewatch FFL. Btw, it's actually playing now and I'm not rewatching it. Well, I've been rewatching some parts.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
The Flying Fox of the Snowy Mountain 1999 and Lady Flower Fist OR The Condor Heroes Return 95 and A Tough Side of a Lady
Hmm... Both choices are pretty equal for me! Probably the first choice, since I have the Condor Heroes Return 1995 (is that the official title? 'Cause I always wrote it as Return of the Condor Heroes...), and I've seen it many many times, so I'd rather watch FFOSM, which I've seen once, and don't remember much of it. As for Lady Flower Fist and A Tough Side of a Lady, I have seen both when I was a little kid, so I really don't remember much... but still, the 2nd choice, because I'm a little bit more interested in LFF.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Show Time Blues and Simply Ordinary. OR -I Can't Accept Corruption and War and Remembrance.
-- Edited by AM_092 on Sunday 30th of August 2009 06:43:19 AM
I don't know the official title but I checked it once and I think it's either that or The Condor Heroes 95. Return of the Condor Heroes is what it's commonly known as; it's probably the official title of the Andy Lau version, but I really don't know the official titles of the Condor Heroes series.
I really don't want to rewatch STB and WAR; between the two, I'd rather rewatch WAR because I can't remember anything except for a few of the actors/actresses and a couple of scenes, so 2nd choice.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
The Hitman Chronicles, Unnatural Born Killer, The Legend of Master Chai OR Justice Pao
-- Edited by honeybee on Sunday 30th of August 2009 08:52:44 AM
Probably the first choice, because I remember I was freaked out by some of the cases in Justice Pao... The 3 in the first choice are much more appealing to me. I've seen most of THC, but only bits of UBK and LOMC, and I wouldn't mind rewatching them.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: The White Flame and Golden Faith. OR The Green Grass of Home and Crimson Sabre.
Really? I don't remember any cases being freaky though.
I rewatched Crimson Sabre within a year ago and watched TGGOH not very long ago, so I don't really want to rewatch it yet; I'm going to choose the 2nd choice, even though I don't want to rewatch GF, but I do TWF.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
Side Beat and Rural Hero OR Corner the Con Man and Crime of Passion
-- Edited by honeybee on Sunday 30th of August 2009 11:48:05 PM
Lol. I was 3-4 at the time! So I was pretty scared... There was a ghost case... I don't remember many cases though. I'm not sure if it's even the same Justice Pao series, since there's quite a few versions...
I haven't seen any of the 4 series! But i'm going with the 1st choice because I like the cast more, and they seem more appealing.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Blade Heart and Cold Blood Warm Heart. OR -Strike at Heart and A Recipe for the Heart.
I don't mind rewatching CBWH, but I don't want to rewatch BH. I'm choosing the 2nd choice because there's less eps and because I kind of do want to rewatch SAH. I'll rewatch ARFTH again, even though I rewatched it within a year ago.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
The Criminal Investigator 1-2 and Outburst OR Detective Investigation Files 1-3
I haven't seen any of those series! I'm going to go with the 2nd choice because I like the cast more, and it's definitely more appearling to me. Also, because I have no idea what Outburst is about.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Fathers and Sons and Love and Again OR -Ups and Downs and War and Beauty
1st choice because I liked LAA and would like to rewatch it and because I haven't watched FAS. I do want to rewatch WAB because I only watched small parts of it, but I don't want to rewatch UAD.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
The Prince's Shadow and The W Files OR A Pillow Case of Mystery and The Vigilante in the Mask
I'm going for the 1st choice. I haven't watched the W Files, and I'm quite interested from what I know about the series. I did like most of the first part of The Prince's Shadow, but not towards the end... But I wouldn't mind rewatching it, especially with Sheren, Joyce, Marco etc. As for the 2nd choice, I did enjoy A Pillow Case of Mystery, but I thought there were some draggy bits, so I wouldn't want to rewatch it at the moment. As for The Vigilante in the Mask, I really enjoyed the series and would love to rewatch it, but the 1st choice is more appealing.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Catch Me Now and Shine on You. OR -Til' Death Do Us Part and Your Class or Mine.
I've rewatched CMN and SOY not very long ago. Even though I don't want to rewatch TWDUP, I'm going to choose the 2nd anyway because I haven't watched YCOM yet.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
Armed Reaction 1-4 OR Deadly Protection, Crime of Passion, A Matter of Customs, Law Enforcers, and Vigilante Force
Well from the 2nd choice, the only one that I would really like to rewatch is A Matter of Customs. I've watched parts of VF, and can hardly remember anything from Law Enforcers. I haven't seen either DP or COP. I'm going to choose the first choice because I would really like to rewatch the first 2 series and give the other two a go. I really the style of the old police series, especially like AR. These days, the cop series aren't as interesting in the police/crime parts.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -Aqua Heroes and Burning Flame. OR -On the First Beat and The Last Breakthrough.
Hmm... I think I'll go with the first choice. I have seen both series, but I don't remember a thing from Back to Square One. I have no idea what it's about... Is it about a married couple (who divorces) and their children? Anyway, I don't think Love and Again is a great series, but it's pretty good... and I do like Alex Fong and since he doesn't act in many series, I would watch any of his.
As for the 2nd choice, I do want to watch Hidden Treasures, but I have little interest in Fight for Love (and I have no idea what it's about. I always thought it was a telemovie).
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -A Matter of Business and Man's Best Friend. OR -Road to Eternity and Ultra Protection.
I don't remember much about Back to Square One either. Yeah, there's Lawrence Ng and Cecilia Yip, who are married and have two children. They somehow go bankrupt and they do separate at some point. Moses is also in the series; I think he's a lawyer and is Lawrence's friend.
As for Fight for Love, I don't remember much about it either. I think Sonija is an actress and/or singer and Bowie works for some company (I really don't remember Bowie's character). They both get sent somewhere (maybe somewhere in China) to learn martial arts. There's like a group of girls and group of guys, which Sonija and Bowie are part of, who get sent to learn martial arts. There's Fiona Yuen and Patrick Tang, but I don't remember who else.
I probably should rewatch the two series in the first choice because I don't remember a thing (well, I remember a little about MBF), but I'm not interested in those two series. I think I'll choose the 2nd choice because I like UP and RTE was okay. I've rewatched RTE within a year ago, but I guess I don't really mind rewatching it.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
A Good Match from Heaven and Money Just Can't Buy OR A Loving Spirit and Police Station No. 7
Hmm... I'm going with the first choice because I like the casts more, and they seem like entertaining series. I like A Loving Spirit, but it has its boring parts, and I'd rather watch 2 series that I haven't seen. I haven't seen Police Station No. 7 either.
Next: Would you rather watch/rewatch: -A Tough Side of a Lady and Lady Fan. OR -Lady Flower Fist and The Legend of Lady Yang.
I would like to rewatch LFF more than ATSOAL but ATSOAL is still okay too. I rewatched some of Lady Fan not long ago, but I'm going with the 1st choice anyway because I don't want to rewatch TLOLY.
next: Would you rather watch/rewatch:
To Catch the Uncatchable, Good Against Evil, Greed Mask OR To Get Unstuck in Time, A Case of Misadventure, The W Files
Both choices are good!! From that list, I've already seen To Catch the Uncatchable and A Case of Misadventure. I have TCTU and I've watched it within the year, so I'm going with the 2nd choice because I'd rather rewatch ACOM, and watch To Get Unstuck in Time and W Files. I would like to watch Greed Mask, but I don't know much about Good Against Evil.
Next: Would you rather watch: -A Pillow Case of Mystery II (Bobby Au Yeung, Jessica Hsuan, Leila Tong, Johnson Lee, Lui San, Eileen Yao, Lee Fung...) OR -Chau Heung angers Tong Bak Fu (Moses Chan, Myolie Wu, Ha Yu, Wayne Lai, Lai Lok Yi, Fala Chen, Elaine Yiu...)
-- Edited by AM_092 on Friday 4th of September 2009 05:45:14 AM