we have all voted on best actress/actor, prettiest actress, best series, but you do realize that there are many "parent characters" out there too right? so i was just wondering who do you think portrayed the parent roles best?
for this year, I must say Michelle Yim as the best mom, in both "The Academy" (as Ron's mother) and "Into Thin Air" (as Patrick's mother). She is so good!
As for a father role, I will say Paul Chun in Love Bond, his father figure is already very famous
Yes Paul Chun is a great dad! He's the "Family Man". Other than him, I also like Ha Yu. For moms, I like Rebecca Chan, Mary Hon and Michelle Yim too! She still looks so young!
I would definitely choose Paul Chun for the father. Hui Siu Hung, Ha Yu and Yuen Wah are good too. For the mother I would choose Law Koon Lan, Mary Hon, Rebecca Chan, Nancy Sit, and Michelle Yim. I think Kingdom Yuen was a good mother in Gods of Honor.
I don't know their names but the couple who played as Kevin's and Natalie's parents would probably be the best long time 'married' parents. Not so sure if that makes sence though!lol
Father:Paul Chun and the father of Melissa NG in Into thin air(forgot his name but he's rlly funny and caring)
Mothers:Nancy Sit in Virtues of Harmony,ROTC, Michelle Yim in Into thin air and the academy,Rebecca in My Family,Kingdom in Gods of Honour,Law Koon Lan seems ok in siu juen mo gan do(with chi lam..she was gigi's mom),I believe she was a mom in Burning Flame too,Mary HON(TITS,RDOV)