Niki is pretty in that she looks very fresh, young and cute...Tavia is pretty in the more elegant sense esp. in ancient series...acting-wise, i cannot really judge niki since i've only seen 2 of her serie: TSD and UTCOL but i can say that she acts naturally as a couple with Kevin... as for Tavia, she has been acting in many more series, and she has shown that she can act a variety of roles... and does very well in emotional scenes.... thus, since this poll is about prettiness, I'll go with Niki...
I thought this poll is about who is prettier? Why are people judging on acting. Haha. Anyway, I'd pick Niki. And I agree that Tavia is pretty in the sense of elegance. But still, Niki's prettier in all the different ways.
ooops i didnt read the question..i personally think niki is prettier..but tavia acts better..voted for tav in the poll cos i thought it was based on acting =s my bad..
Niki Chow is definitely more prettier... and Yes, Tavia acts better. I actually use to dislike Tavia (mostly because her fans are so defensive), though I knew she was a capable actress. But I've grown to really like her acting after watching the Building Blocks of Life. She was very convincing in the scene when her grandmother died...