Next: 1. At her house. 2. She recently came back from overseas. 3. He was reading a Book. 4. It was a 'welcome-back' party for her. 5. He works for her dad, and later for her. Year: 2007, modern series.
Next: 1. In a karaoke bar. 2. He is her Friend's boyfriend. 3. 2 other female friends, and another male friend were also present. Year: 2007, modern series.
Next: 1. Two Females. 2. Girl A was walking and an old lady fainted, so she was trying to help (she is a doctor). 3. Other people from the street were also surrounding the old lady. 4. Girl B came and took over (because she's a nurse) and referred Girl A as 'Old Housewife/worker' and told her to move over/directed her how to help the unconscious lady.
next: 1. he was by the river 2. they came, riding on horses 3. she was helping him pick up his bundle wrapped in a piece of cloth, which was in the river, but her belongings were stolen
That sounds right. I think his name's Vincent Wong.
Next: 1. She came to his stall/corner to try out his food. 2. He has a rule that all customers must not takeaway anything home. 3. She took his food home for her friend to try.
Next: He and his friend was looking at a camera. She and her friend was walking and saw the camera that looks like hers. She ask to see the camera and ran away with it but he caught up with her.
Current Obsession: Myolie Wu Credits: Colly - Avatar & Banner "Every story has an end, but in life every end is just a new beginning."