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Post Info TOPIC: 380 - Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion (group game)

TVB Obsess

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380 - Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion (group game)
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Let's gather all the quiz questions for LWOLAP here, even though I haven't finish watching, but we can make quiz questions as the series goes along. Like a group quiz thing..

How we play: the first person make a quiz question about LWOLAP, the second person answer it, and make a new question for the next person to answer.

Question: what is the first thing Charmaine gave to Raymond? What is it use for?

-- Edited by tvbsquare at 14:46, 2006-02-09

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Charmaine gave Raymond her earing so they could use it as a compass and get out of the mysterious forrest.

Next: What does Raymond like to make for Sonija?


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List out how did Bosco died (all of them).


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Bosco got killed by Jimmy Au when he was helping out Mimi and her friends.

Bosco got killed by the assassin that wanted to kill the Korean ambassador.

Bosco got killed by Sherming Yui when he was talking about Kwok Bong.

Next: Who told Raymond's sifu about Raymond being Mongolian and why?


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Sonija told Raymond's master...... she wanted his master to become angry at Raymond and make Raymond even more upset to trigger his memory (i'm not sure if this is totally right)

if it's right, here's the next question: What caused Raymond to lose some of his memory?


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The trauma of everyone dying around him when he was little put him into a state of shock. He blocked out his past because of it.

Next: Who gave Bosco his kungfu? What did he ask in return?


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Kwok Fung. He wanted Bosco to kill Pong Ban to revenge for him, and also look for his wife and say sorry on his behalf, and also pass the sculpture thing to her.

Next question: Name and describe 3 people Sonjia stabbed


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1) Derek Kwok- she stabbed him after he saved her, but later ran back to save him from the sand storm
2) Raymond- after Derek absorbed Raymond's kungfu Derek told Sonija to get rid of Raymond once and for all, but of course, he didn't die
3) her master- her master was trying to kill Derek, Sonija wanted to save him and stabbed her master instead, and she died

next: describe the special gifts Raymond gave to Charmaine (name more than 1).

-- Edited by chin_chow at 13:48, 2006-02-12


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1) straw birds, raymond said evertime he thought of charmaine, he would make such straw birds
2) A necklace sort of thing with many precious stones, each representing one aspect of life. The stone which glows the most brightly in the dark would be the one you have best luck in
3) A plate of bun/rollls with earrings inside

who did bosco kiss besides Sharon?


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frostbite wrote:

1) straw birds, raymond said evertime he thought of charmaine, he would make such straw birds
2) A necklace sort of thing with many precious stones, each representing one aspect of life. The stone which glows the most brightly in the dark would be the one you have best luck in
3) A plate of bun/rollls with earrings inside

who did bosco kiss besides Sharon?

Do you happen to know what each color represents? Also, I thought she put the stone chain on her sword. Anyway, Bosco kissed Sherming Yu after he came back alive and Kwok Bong's spirit came out and saw his wife.

Next: How did Bosco become an orphan? What's his real identity?


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Bosco's mother took him and her sister out of town when they were really little because she was mad that General Hua somehow caused her brother's death. Bosco's godfather was a theif and accidentally burnt down the house that they were staying in. Bosco's godfather found Bosco lying on the ground after the fire and felt really bad for what he'd done so he raised him up. Bosco's true identity is General Hua's son, Hua Yurt Ming (?).

next: why did Sherming left Kwok Fung in the first place?

-- Edited by chin_chow at 18:52, 2006-02-13


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Sherming left Kwok Bong because he would constantly cheat on her and one of his mistresses caused Sherming to lose her baby.

Next: Name 5 instances where Raymond spits up blood.


TVB Obsess

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1. Raymond's master try to kill Sonija, Raymond was protecting her. The master hits Raymond on the back, Raymond splits blood.

2. Raymond's master again, after knowing Raymond's identity, trying to kill him. Raymond splits blood.

3. When Sonija stabs Raymond

4. did Raymond split blood when he is trying to transfer the Kung fu from Bosco? I kinda forgot.

5. After Raymond's mater wanna kill him. In a forest, Raymond tries his Kung fu thing, splits blood. Raymond asked Charmaine: "did you want to kill me too?"

ok, you forced me to rewatch the best episodes, haha, I am enjoying the bleeding pleasure. hope I am getting these right.

If yes, let's continue on the next: how many times did Charmaine slaps Raymond? Why and Where?

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I can only remember twice

1) when raymond forced the kiss on charmaine
2) when ray's master just died, i think he was feeling sore that mongolians get discriminated so he went to mess up this shop run by Han people

Next: very simple question. What animal does Sonjia like?


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birdies......... more specifically, is it those white-pigeons

anyway, here's the next one: Who has the key to open the "fok-yu" sword?


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-- Edited by edisonraylam at 15:50, 2006-02-18


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raymond. That piece of jade he has is the key.

Next question: List 7 people who died (basically that's all the death in the series if I didn't cound wrongly)


TVB Guru

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1. Derek Kwok
2. Yuet Lai (Charmaine's master)
3. Sonija Kwok
4. Bosco's father
5. Emperor Ju
6. Raymond's master
7. Long Fan Wan
......... do i have to say how they died too?


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no it's ok


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ok then.... next question: what special gifts did both Bosco and Evergreen Mak gave to Sharon?


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they both gave her braclet.

what were the 3 wishes ray made near the river when he say charm?


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He wishes to see her again. He wishes that she will forgive him. He wishes that he will be with her forever.

Next: Why did Evergreen Man not become crowned prince?


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Becos the king isnt sure if the Evergreen Mak is really his son, since evergreen mak is born at th 7th month ?

Why does Raymond's master hates mongolians so much ??


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His little brother was killed by Mongolians.

What did Raymond say after Charmaine stabbed him?


TVB Obsess

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"Charmaine, I am sorry."

next: what is under the Emperor's seat?

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That's not what Raymond said.


TVB Obsess

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sorry, I got the wrong line


"Charmaine, our fate has ended".

Back to my question: what is under the Emperor's seat?

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a set of monk's clothing

Next question: how did charmaine find raymond in the end?


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She went to where he lived and a little boy gave her flowers and told her where he got them. She went there and saw a house and he was in it.

Next: Name all the people who stabbed Ray and the circumstances surrounding the stabbing.


TVB Obsess

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OK, I am gonna try my best here:

1. Sonija - she stabbed Ray at Derek's place, after Derek "used" Ray's Kung Fu

2. Charmaine - at the Palace, when Ray was about to kill the emperor

3. Bosco - at the graveyard (poor graveyard), when the two had a fight.

Is there anymore? I couldn't remember.

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I think that's all of them! Good job!


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hehe, next question: did Derek Kwok lost a left arm or right arm?

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i think he lost his left arm. am i right?


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I think you got it.

Next: How does Ray get Charmaine to awaken the rain sword? Be detailed.


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Charmaine was in the forest and she saw Raymond.  Raymond made her faint and took her to the hideout.  after trying to persuade her to use her gim-sum-tong-ling, she didn't budge.  so he brought some food for her (some sort of pot-stuff) and the charcoal or whatever actually make you fall asleep or into a trance.  as Raymond told her the story behind the sword, Charmaine fainted a little and woke up like she was under a trance.  Raymond's voice kept telling her to be with him, she hesitated a little but later gave in a put her hand on his.  Raymond started to........ i don't know how to describe it........ either connected her power through him and into the sword, or something.  Charmaine was raised in the air, hand still attached to Raymond's, and Raymond was on the ground doing a split (that was really a.... wow, moment).  Raymond's other hand was holding the sword.  Charmaine then snapped herself out from the trance and told him to stop.  he didn't stop until he felt the sword shaking, shining.  then i don't remember if the sword rised itself up or was Raymond still holding it....... anyway, he let go of Charmaine.  the sword then showed a key-hole.  Raymond took out his royalty-shaped-jade that he carries around all the time and stuck it through the key hole.  the sword then awakens!!! 

hopefully i gave most of the details..........

-- Edited by chin_chow at 13:57, 2006-03-06


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Wow very detailed! Good job chin_chow!


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next question: how did Sonija meet Derek Kwok?


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Sonija first met Derek when she was sent by her master to kill him. She searched for him and finally decided to stab herself and hope that a Mongolian person would rescue her. She awakes from her wound and sees that it's Derek who saves her.


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yep yep


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Why does Raymond point the handle end at Bosco when they have their dual. The answer I am looking for is said by both Evergreen Mak and Power Chan.


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because he want's to find a way to "step-down"?

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Right, but there was a longer explanation by Evergreen and Power.


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Is the answer " They want all Chinese and Mongolian to be equal and have peace? "


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That's part of it. Just watch the part after the duel and Evergreen is explaining to the group about the meaning behind Raymond's actions.


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that even though Raymond absorbed Derek's "evil" power, he is still good and doesn't want to see any more bloodsheds. he hoped that both the Mongolian and the Chinese could be equal. he understands that when Evergreen takes the throne, he will treat all people equally. and also, even though Raymond is loyal to his heritage, he is still cares a lot about his friends. so stabbing Bosco with the handle represents that he still consider him as his best friend and he doesn't have the heart to harm him.

i'm not sure if my explainations are all correct.....


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That's good enough. I also wanted the part where Evergreen said that Raymond has the ability to kill all of them, but he let Evergreen become king because he knew he would treat everyone well and if Evergreen were to become corrupt, Raymond has the ability to dethrone him anytime he wishes.


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oh yeah...... forgot about that part

ok, next, something a little easier: what is the name of Bosco's horse?


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does anyone remember?


TVB Guru

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what is the name of Bosco's horse?

hint: it's a color


TVB Guru

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doesn't anyone remember?...... it's the same as the color of the horse

hope this hint helps

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