Next: 1) She fell in love with a married man, at a young age. 2) She then fell pregant, and was forced to marry someone else, to cover up the pregnancy. 3) She gave birth to girl, who grew up to look like her. 4) She died in the end. Ancient Series.
Note: Her details above, were only spoken about in the series, as her pregnancy was never shown to the viewers.
Next: 1) She was pregnant twice in the series. 2) The first pregnancy was only shown in a flashback. 3) She suffered a miscarriage during her first pregnancy. 4) Her second pregnancy was the result of a one night stand. 5) She had a baby girl.
Next: 1) Pregant with her husband. 2) She doesn't love her husband. 3) She wanted to lose her baby, but ended up deciding to keep it. 4) She gives birth to a baby boy. Her husband dies.
Next: 1) She was pregnant at the beginning of the series. 2) She found out her husband was cheating on her. 3) They divorced, and her husband won custody over their son.
Next: 1. She is the 2nd Wife. 2. She gives birth to a baby boy, after her Husband dies of sickness. 3. She has a stepson (The son of the First Wife). 4. She took her baby with her, when she left the family to try to sustain the family's wealth.