For example, Tavia Yeung is stand for TY
here is the next one:
Kenneth Ma
next: DW
Davo Wong
Next: MW
Myolie Wu
I think AM is Annie Man
next RK
Roger Kwok
next: Kw
ok that works too, i was looking for Marco Ngai though
Next- PC
Raymond Lam.
Next:GL (3).
Kevin Cheng
Benny Chan
next VY
Vivian Yeo
and there are so many possible answer's to this game. The one's i made up, people got the answer, but it wasn't the answer i was looking for. Like PC-babysugargirl got Patricia Lau but i was looking for Paul Chun. Eh, many possible answers.
Anyways next: RC
okay i made this up but i dont know if he exist
roger chan?
Linda Chung.
Angela Tong
next: NT
Vinci Wong
Next-KW (2 of them)
Kong Wah and Kenny Wong
next: MS
Maggie Siu
Next- SL
Moses Chan
next: MT (3) There may be more than three.
-Michael Tong.-Michael Tao.-Michael Tse.
Stephen Au
next: JC
John Chiang
Wong Hei
next: DK
Hawick Lau
next: CY
Cecila Yeung?
honeybee wrote: Hawick Launext: CY
It's actually not Cecilia Yip, but it's ok.