This game is pretty easy. You have to guess to relation between actors or actresses and the series that they were in. But the names have to be from Last then First. Example: Always Ready Yeung, Shirley (She was in this movie)
Then start a new movie but it have to be match with the last letter of her first name "Y"
Oh, i get it. Hey, Linly, hope you don't mind if i try to explain to steffish.
Just look at the first example: Yummy Yummy. Yeung, Tavia.
Then the next person would give the name of the series that starts with the last letter of the Previous actor/actress, in this case the 'A' from 'Tavia'.
Then, Linly, did the next one, Aqua Heroes, in which the 'A' from 'Aqua' came from the 'A' of 'Tavia'. Then Masterliem, did: Aqua Heroes. Wong, Bosco (an actor in Aqua Heroes).
Then I will now continue: On the Track or Off. Lam, Frankie (an Actor in On the Track or Off).
So, the next player, will then Name a Series starting with 'E', which comes from the Last letter of 'Frankie'. Then, you will also name an Actor/Actress who was from that Series.
Actually the name have to match with the last letter of the series. Like Yummy Yummy, Yeung, Tavia rite? So if it's Aqua Heroes you have to find someone that starts with an S as their last name.Then you give their LAst and First name and after that, start a new movie but its have to be follow the last letter of the actors or actresses first name. ( AM_092 ur right.)This is like a matching game.
Hey, let's just change it to another series, cause Net Deception is too hard.
Next: Not Just A Pretty Face. Nancy Wu.
(Linly: Also, i think this might be too difficult with other ones as well, so do you think instead of continuing from Nancy Wu's 'U', then we should take a series that Nancy Wu was in) For example: Twin of Brothers (Series with Nancy Wu). Tavia Yeung (Tavia's 'T' is the same as the 'T' of Twin). ?