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Post Info TOPIC: Game 477 - The Last Player Standing

TVB Obsess

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Posts: 117
Game 477 - The Last Player Standing

I want to play!!!!!

ill be numba 9!!!


TVB Obsess

Status: Offline
Posts: 117

sooo wat do u hav to do in this game???

-- Edited by little_devilz at 03:02, 2007-12-04


TVB Guru

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Posts: 15979

little_devilz: Okay, but because you're joining in late, I'll ask you your first question now:
Who played 2 characters in A Smiling Ghost Story?
-If you don't know the answer, then just PASS, though your question will not be passed onto the next player in line.

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing - 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom - 5 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993 - Minus 5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles - 0 Points.
5. Sango - Minus 5 Points.
6. Honeybee - 15 Points.
7. Tcg1026 - 10 Points.
8. Babysugargirl - Minus 5 Points.
9. Little_devilz - 10 Points (Start off Points).

1. YingYing - 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom - 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993 - 1/3.
4. Nikki Smiles - 1/3.
5. Sango - 0/3.
6. Honeybee - 0/3.
7. Tcg1026 - 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl - 1/3.
9. Little_devilz - 0/3.

Player 4 - Nikki Smiles:
Your Second Question: In Heart of Greed, during the first meeting between Linda Chung, Yoyo Mung, Fala Chen and Carrie Lam at a Restaurant, which food item was Linda Chung waiting for? (i.e. What did she order?)

Note: She was in a hurry, so she didn't end up getting it.
-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the Next Player in Line: Sango.


TVB Guru

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a fish entree?


TVB Guru

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Posts: 15979

Nikki Smiles: No. It was a sandwich.
(This was at the Restaurant, where Carrie Lam first appeared).

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 5 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: -5 Points.
5. Sango: -5 Points.
6. Honeybee: 15 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 10 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -5 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 1/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 1/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 0/3.

Little_devilz, your First Question:
Who played 2 characters in A Smiling Ghost Story?

-If you don't know the answer, then just PASS (say pass), though your question will not be passed onto the next player in line.

Player 5 - Sango:
Your Second Question: In Eternal Happiness, who was pregnant at the end of the series?

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the Next Player in Line: Honeybee.


TVB Guru

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Posts: 2014

tavia yeung or michelle yip


TVB Guru

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Posts: 15979

Sango: The answer is neither Tavia Yeung or Michelle Yip.

Correct Answer: Natalie Wong (Joe Ma's Wife - The Empress).
-5 Points.

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 5 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: -5 Points.
5. Sango: -10 Points.
6. Honeybee: 15 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 10 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -5 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 1/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 1/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 0/3.

Player 6 - Honeybee:
Your Second Question: In Square Pegs, when did Roger Kwok realise that Winnie Yeung was his fiance?

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Tcg1026.

Little_devilz, your First Question:
Who played 2 characters in A Smiling Ghost Story?

-If you don't know the answer, then just PASS (say pass), though your question will not be passed onto the next player in line.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 11557

Is it after he regained his memories towards the end?


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

TVB Obsess

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Posts: 117



TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Little_devils: -5 Points for passing. Now that you've answered your first question, you're on the same level as the other players.

Honeybee: Yes, but there's an 'actual' scene, where he first realises that.
Like when he was drowning in the water, he only remembered stuff about his mother and etc., then later on, he remembered about her. Which scene is that?
-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Tcg1026.


TVB Obsess

Status: Offline
Posts: 117



TVB Guru

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Posts: 11557

So what you're saying is that it happened after that? I'm not sure what you're actually looking for but after he regained his memories, wasn't Roger with Jessica? Then Winnie showed up and he remembered that he had promised to marry her after graduating. Or was it before that? If it was, then I'm not too sure. The only thing I remember is Roger remembering Winnie singing and dancing or something like that.


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Okay, so I think I would just -5 Points.

Answer: After Jessica saved Roger from drowning, he regained some part of his memory and was no longer 'stupid'. Then the 2 of them were drying their clothes, and Roger was talking about his mom, and etc... Then Roger said something about them being together, but Jessica then told him that he needed to see someone... Jessica then took Roger to find Winnie, who was waiting for them. Roger looked at Jessica, and asked her why she took him to see his 'teacher'. Jessica then left, and Roger moved closer to Winnie, then he began to see flashes of him and Winnie. That was the scene where he realised who she was, and he hugged her.
-In other words, a more simpler answer would be: "After Jessica took Roger to see Winnie after he nearly drowned".

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 5 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: -5 Points.
5. Sango: -10 Points.
6. Honeybee: 10 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 10 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -5 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 5 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 1/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 1/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

Player 7 - Tcg1026:
Your Second Question: Describe Roger Kwok and Myolie's First Meeting in Scavenger's Paradise (Don't need to be exact, just outline the main points).

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Babysugargirl.


TVB Veteran

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Roger was showering and Myolie saw him and thought he was a pervert or something.


TVB Guru

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Posts: 15979

I can't really recall the scene that you're describing, but I think that was their second meeting, when he was in her house and she thought that he was an intruder.

The Answer that I was looking for: She was buying old school books for her brother, and she thought he was touching her/trying to take money from her pocket.

Player 8 - Babysugargirl:
Your Second Question: Who plays Lai Lok Yi's Mother in Always Ready?

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Little_Devils.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 5 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: -5 Points.
5. Sango: -10 Points.
6. Honeybee: 10 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 5 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -5 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 5 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 1/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 1/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

Player 8 - Babysugargirl:
Your Second Question: Who plays Lai Lok Yi's Mother in Always Ready?
-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Little_Devils.
You have another 24 hours to reply.

Note to Everyone:
After this set of Questions (so after babysguargirl & little_devilz's), I would start giving easier questions, because maybe some of my questions are too hard.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

You failed to reply, so -5 Points.

Answer: Lui San.

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 5 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: -5 Points.
5. Sango: -10 Points.
6. Honeybee: 10 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 5 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -10 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 5 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 1/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 1/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

Player 9 - Little_devilz:
Your Second Question: In the Academy, why did Fiona Sit want to become a policewoman?

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: YingYing.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Little_devilz: You have 1 more day to reply or Pass, or you'll lose 5 Points.

Note to Everyone:
I've decided that starting from the next set of Questions, if a Player fails to reply (this is different to Passing) all of the players may PM me the answer that they believe is correct. If you are correct you will earn 5 Points, if not, you will not gain or lose any points.
-So basically you can gain extra points through other players' questions.


TVB Obsess

Status: Offline
Posts: 117

coz she want to be like Micheal Miu


TVB Guru

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Posts: 15979

Little_devilz: Correct! +5 Points, though I would have liked if you added that he once saved her life :)

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 5 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: -5 Points.
5. Sango: -10 Points.
6. Honeybee: 10 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 5 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -10 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 1/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 1/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

We're now up to our 3rd set of Questions of Round 1.

Player 1 - YingYing:
Your Third Question: Why was Marianne Chan beheaded in Love is Beautiful?

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Pilipalaboom.
-If you fail to Reply or Pass within 2-3 days, your Question will be available to the other players.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 2655

cant remember so im going to pass..


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

YingYing has passed her Question to Pilipalaboom:

Why was Marianne Chan beheaded in Love is Beautiful?

(Note: This is not your personal 3rd Question)
-If you get this Question correct, you'll earn 10 Points, and bring your total to 15.
-If you don't know the answer, or fail to reply, you'll lose 10 Points (instead of 5 points, because this is a PASS question).
-If you do answer incorrectly/fail to reply/don't know the answer, I'll give the other players a chance to answer this question via PM.

-- Edited by AM_092 at 18:53, 2007-12-14


TVB Obsess

Status: Offline
Posts: 117

lolz yea i i 4gt abt it :) :)


TVB Veteran

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Posts: 862

AM : If I'm nt wrong, Marianne was beheaded twice in Love is Beautiful, right?

The first time when she was falsely accused having affair with someone & the second time was when the Emperor believed the rumours (I guess) that Marianne abandon her son to save herself? And in the earlier of the series, she was ABOUT to beheaded coz she claimed herself as Anne Heung but no one believed her, and then someone (I forgt who) believed her story & saved her?

Haha, I'm ready to lost my 15 points =P

-- Edited by pilipalaboom at 08:49, 2007-12-14


i l o v e y o u w i l b e r - p

TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

I was only thinking of the time, when she ACTUALLY lost her head, so that was the time when she was falsely accused of having an affair... So you are Correct!!

+10 Points!!

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 15 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: -5 Points.
5. Sango: -10 Points.
6. Honeybee: 10 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 5 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -10 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 1/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 1/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

Player 2 - Pilipalaboom:
Your Third Question: Who did Power Chan like in To Love with No Regrets?

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Koalagurl1993.
-If you fail to Reply or Pass within 2-3 days, your Question will be available to the other players.


TVB Veteran

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Posts: 862

Err, I think it's either Sherming or Amy? But I guess Amy Kwok?


i l o v e y o u w i l b e r - p

TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Pilipalaboom: Correct!! Sherming liked him.

+5 Points.

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 20 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: -5 Points.
5. Sango: -10 Points.
6. Honeybee: 10 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 5 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -10 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 1/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 1/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

Player 3 - Koalagurl1993:
Your Third Question: How did Tang Ho Kwong die in Return of the Cuckoo?

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Nikki Smiles.
-If you fail to Reply or Pass within 2-3 days, your Question will be available to the other players.


TVB Veteran

Status: Offline
Posts: 879

Pass I didn't watch this series


he's still my Mr. Hott Dude :]

TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Koalagurl1993 has decided to Pass her Question to Nikki Smiles.

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 20 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: -5 Points.
5. Sango: -10 Points.
6. Honeybee: 10 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 5 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -10 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 2/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 1/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

Nikki Smiles:
How did Tang Ho Kwong die in Return of the Cuckoo?

(Note: This is not your personal 3rd Question)
-If you get this Question correct, you'll earn 10 Points, and bring your total to 5.
-If you don't know the answer, or fail to reply, you'll lose 10 Points (instead of 5 points, because this is a PASS question).
-If you do answer incorrectly/fail to reply/don't know the answer, I'll give the other players a chance to answer this question via PM.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 1638

Dang why i have such bad luck in this game... i always gets the questions from the series that i havent seen T_T
So here is complete guess... he got in a car accident?


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979


+10 Points!!

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 20 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: 5 Points.
5. Sango: -10 Points.
6. Honeybee: 10 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 5 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -10 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 2/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 1/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

Player 4 - Nikki Smiles:
Your Official Third Question: In 'The Soccer Match' in A Step Into the Past, what were on the Uniforms of Louis/Jessica's Team?

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Sango.
-If you fail to Reply or Pass within 2-3 days, your Question will be available to the other players.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 1638

OMGOSH are u serious?? WHOA!!! im still in shock lol
Now im scare im gonna answer this one wrong since it was when i was 11 so pass


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Nikki: Okay :)
Nikki Smiles has decided to pass her Question on to Sango.

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 20 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: 5 Points.
5. Sango: -10 Points.
6. Honeybee: 10 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 5 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -10 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 2/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 2/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

In 'The Soccer Match' in A Step Into the Past, what were on the Uniforms of Louis/Jessica's Team?

Note: This is not your personal third Question.
-If you get this Question correct, you'll earn 10 Points, and bring your total to 0.
-If you don't know the answer, or fail to reply, you'll lose 10 Points (instead of 5 points, because this is a PASS question).
-If you do answer incorrectly/fail to reply/don't know the answer, I'll give the other players a chance to answer this question via PM.
-If you think hard, it's not a difficult question.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Sango: You have one more day to reply :)
If you think carefully, the Question is pretty straight-forward.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 2014

to AM I do not know the answer you can pm the other players and ask them.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Sango: Okay. -10 Points.

Players may now PM me with their answer (Do not send a whiteboard message).
Players who are eligible to Answer via PM (excluding Nikki Smiles and Sango):

Note: If you answer correct, +5 Points, but you will not lose points if you answer incorrectly :)
-You may PM me now (opened only for 24 hours).

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 20 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: 5 Points.
5. Sango: -20 Points.
6. Honeybee: 10 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 5 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -10 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 2/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 2/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

Player 5 - Sango:
Your Official Third Question: In Dicey Business, who plays Tavia Yeung's Mother?

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Honeybee.
-If you fail to Reply or Pass within 2-3 days, your Question will be available to the other players.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 2014

Yvonne Lam


TVB Guru

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Posts: 15979

Sango: Correct!! +5 Points!!

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 20 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: 5 Points.
5. Sango: -15 Points.
6. Honeybee: 10 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 5 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -10 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 2/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 2/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

Player 6 - Honeybee:
Your Third Question: In Maidens' Vow, name Four Characters (Names of the Actors) who Charmaine Sheh dates/once dated in the Last Generation of Maidens' Vow.

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Tcg1026.
-If you fail to Reply or Pass within 2-3 days, your Question will be available to the other players.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 11557

Great! I haven't watched Maidens' Vow, but I think I found out the answer.
Eric Lee, Joe Ma, Sammul Chan, Cheng Tze Seng


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Honeybee: All Correct!!! +5 Points.

The only player who sent me a PM with the Answer to the 'Soccer Match in A Step Into the Past' Question was Honeybee, and her answer was Correct!! So, plus another 5 Points for her.
The Question and Answer:
In 'The Soccer Match' in A Step Into the Past, what were on the Uniforms of Louis/Jessica's Team?

Honeybee: Total of 10 Points added.

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 20 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: 5 Points.
5. Sango: -15 Points.
6. Honeybee: 20 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 5 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -10 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 2/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 2/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

Player 7 - Tcg1026:
Your Third Question: In Witness to a Prosecution, which Character was struck by Lightning?

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Babysugargirl.
-If you fail to Reply or Pass within 2-3 days, your Question will be available to the other players.


TVB Veteran

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Posts: 934

Bobby Au Yeung


TVB Guru

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Posts: 15979

Correct!! +5 Points.

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 20 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: -5 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: 5 Points.
5. Sango: -15 Points.
6. Honeybee: 20 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 10 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -10 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 2/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 2/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

Player 8 - Babysugargirl:
Your Third Question: In the Dance of Passion, what object does Gigi Lai break while she stays at Charmaine Sheh's Home?

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Little_Devilz.
-If you fail to Reply or Pass within 2-3 days, your Question will be available to the other players.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Babysugargirl: You have another 1-2 days left to reply, or you'll lose 5 points and your question would be available to the other players.


TVB Guru

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Posts: 15979

Babysugargirl: -5 Points.

This Question is now available to all players (excluding babysugargirl) via PM:
In the Dance of Passion, what object does Gigi Lai break while she stays at Charmaine Sheh's Home?
Note: If you answer correct, +5 Points, but you will not lose points if you answer incorrectly :)
-You may PM me now (opened only for 24 hours).


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Okay, the 24 hours is Over!

Players who answered via PM:
-Nikki Smiles.

Question: In the Dance of Passion, what object does Gigi Lai break while she stays at Charmaine Sheh's Home?
Correct Answer: Hair Comb, though I also accepted Mirror, which was also notably broken.

Players who answered Correctly: Honeybee, Tcg1026, Nikki Smiles & Koalagurl1993.
+5 Points each!!
Pilipalaboom had a good guess :)

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 20 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: 0 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: 10 Points.
5. Sango: -15 Points.
6. Honeybee: 25 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 15 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -15 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 2/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 2/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 1/3.

Player 9 - Little_Devilz:
Your Third Question: In Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion, what character did Akina Hong play?

(Just describe what she did/who she was... For example, if the person in Question was Charmaine Sheh, then the answer would be - 'Suet Nei's Disciple, Sonija Kwok's Sect Sister, She liked Raymond Lam etc.')
-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: YingYing.
-If you fail to Reply or Pass within 2-3 days, your Question will be available to the other players.


TVB Obsess

Status: Offline
Posts: 117

Pass...i dnt really like to watch ancient series!:) :)


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

Little_devilz has passed the Question to YingYing.

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 30 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 20 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: 0 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: 10 Points.
5. Sango: -15 Points.
6. Honeybee: 25 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 15 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -15 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 2/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 2/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 2/3.

In Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion, what character did Akina Hong play?

-If you get this Question correct, you'll earn 10 Points, and bring your total to 40.
-If you don't know the answer, or fail to reply, you'll lose 10 Points (instead of 5 points, because this is a PASS question).
-If you do answer incorrectly/fail to reply/don't know the answer, I'll give the other players a chance to answer this question via PM.


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 2655

hmmm..didnt watch much of lethal weapons..

she played john chiang's friend..she brews her own wine..


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 15979

YingYing: Correct!! +10 Points!!

Scoreboard/Order of Players:
1. YingYing: 40 Points.
2. Pilipalaboom: 20 Points.
3. Koalagurl1993: 0 Points.
4. Nikki Smiles: 10 Points.
5. Sango: -15 Points.
6. Honeybee: 25 Points.
7. Tcg1026: 15 Points.
8. Babysugargirl: -15 Points.
9. Little_devilz: 10 Points.

1. YingYing: 0/3.
2. Pilipalaboom: 1/3.
3. Koalagurl1993: 2/3.
4. Nikki Smiles: 2/3.
5. Sango: 0/3.
6. Honeybee: 0/3.
7. Tcg1026: 1/3.
8. Babysugargirl: 1/3.
9. Little_devilz: 2/3.

Player 1 - YingYing:
Your Fourth Question - Name 4 Characters who died in the Vigilante in the Mask.

-If you don't know the answer, then PASS the Question onto the next player in line: Pilipalaboom.
-If you fail to Reply or Pass within 2-3 days, your Question will be available to the other players.

-- Edited by AM_092 at 07:34, 2007-12-27


TVB Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 2655

do i just name the actors/actresses??

eddie kwan
kenneth ma
fiona yuen
deric's dad..dont know his real name..


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