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Post Info TOPIC: Let's Talk :)

TVB Guru

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RE: Let's Talk :)

yes it is quite hard to revive it with just the three of us because we are only gonna be the only ones replying to the games and playing in them. I have a long weekend because tomorrow is a p.a. day at my school and then I have saturday and sunday. Yea I hope more ppl come bak here to funzone it's extra quiet.


TVB Guru

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What's p.a.? Yeah, I hope more people come back too!! I don't think it's just FunZone.. Maybe people are giving up on TVB? That's kind of like me, but I'm still on FunZone and I watch TVB once in a while... Just not the new ones.


TVB Guru

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p.a. day is just a day off that students get but teachers have stuff to do on that day but students have a break. Yea maybe people are giving up on TVB maybe they don't have time for it or the stuff just isn't as good as it use to be. My dad is taking the airplane tomorrow and going back to hong kong he might try to get me a tvbuddy. I see yea I didn't literally give up on tvb but there are certain shows I watch and certain ones I skip and just didn't bother watching even with people that I like that act in it. How about you? What have you been up to?


TVB Guru

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tvbuddy! I'm just on my holidays now!! Did my math exam on monday and breezed through my chemistry exam on wednesday!! Just awaiting my results and see if I get accepted to university.


TVB Guru

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That's good to be on holidays oh I see you had your exams. I hope you get accepted to university yep a tvbuddy. You seem so surprised why?


TVB Guru

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Lol I wasn't surprised.. Just haven't thought about the tvbuddy in ages. Forgot it existed :) Sounds like a nice gift from Hong Kong. If Hong Kong builds a TVB land with rides and attractions about TVB series, I'd totally go there!

-- Edited by AM_092 on Friday 4th of December 2009 04:13:26 PM


TVB Guru

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wow u have a really good imagination I would go there too if hong kong had a TVB land but sadly I doubt that would ever happen I think they should have made a TVB land instead of having a disneyland built in Hong Kong.


TVB Guru

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Lol yeah.. And you can buy costumes from tvb series! :) No, seriously, I think if they did it would be profitable..
I've now got 12 weeks of doing nothing! (holidays). I might go find a job!


TVB Guru

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that's so true tvb would make a fortune out of it they would be really rich with the series they make and people going there I think that a lot of tourists from other countries would go there. Wow 12 weeks that's a long one I see it would be good to get a job. Have you seen tvb anniversary awards? Btw where's sara sis?

-- Edited by sango on Friday 4th of December 2009 06:35:58 PM


TVB Guru

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Lol, I don't think honeybee posts in here much!! She's around though :)
No, I haven't seen any of the anniversary awards... I've seen bits and pieces of the shows over the years and can usually only guess what's going on since its in chinese!


TVB Guru

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I'm happy with the results of the tvb anniversary awards!!! (even though I haven't watched those series..) Maybe except for Aimee Chan's most improved actress. Would have rathered Sharon or Selena or even Catherine Chow (I don't remember the other nominee). As for the top 5's for all other characters, I am quite disappointed with some inclusions and some obvious snubs!!


TVB Guru

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I liked the results too I think I would have prefered another person to win over aimee but she has improved but I don't think she is the most improved out of the list. Yes I would have rather catherine, koni, queenie or even sharon won over her. BTW selena wasn't in the list queenie is queenie chu she has been in off pedder, best selling secrets, the gem of life. Koni is the one from catch me now and has hosted some variety shows. I can't believe that bosco wong got into the top 5 for best actor he has improved over the years but I don't think he deserves the top 5 spot. I like him and am a fan of his but it was just unbelievable how he was in the top 5. I found it surprising that charmaine could get into the top 5 nominations for fav female character twice. I thought maybe someone else would get in. So do you ever watch tvb anniversary awards? Do you wait until it's dubbed in viet?


TVB Guru

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Oh, I thought Selena was nominated! Anyway...
I've watched some anniversary awards over the years... Obviously I don't really understand what's going on! But I recognise the names of actors/actresses and it's nice to watch the top 5 nominees and their clips and etc... I don't think it's dubbed into viet anyway...
Yeah, like many, I was surprised to see Bosco nominated. I heard he was more of a 'supporting' character. And about Charmaine's 2 noms for character, if both characters deserved to be nominated, then I don't think there should be a problem.. (but I heard many people don't like her overlly nice character in Beyond). To think of it, the 'favourite character' awards are pretty stupid! It's more like a consolation prize and shows that you were given a good character to play... (? - doesn't really mean much, I think).


TVB Guru

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I c yea I thought bosco was a supporting character even though I haven't watched burning flames 3 I heard the main characters are suppose to be kevin, wong hei and myolie. I haven't seen beyond but yea ppl are saying that charmaine is overly nice in there but I liked her in your hired. She was a cute character I saw the first 10 eps of it. Yea it's true that the "fav character" awards are stupid. It is a consolation prize and they usually just give it to ppl that got chosen to play that character. I also think that tvb took out some awards because they have less awards then others and at least add one new one each yr.


TVB Guru

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Yeah... Like Tavia's Performance of the Year award! That's an obvious consolation prize to losing to Sheren... I just think we should give up on these awards! What did we really expect from TVB? They do this all the time!! They support their actors that don't even deserve to be in the Top 5 and it's mostly about hype and favouritsim and not purely on performance.


TVB Guru

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Posts: 2014

yes I know what you mean I liked her but I don't think that was necessary and I like myolie but last year I think she did good but I don't think they had to make that award on most fashionable charming artist I'm glad she won it but still it probably wasn't necessary. I know what did we expect from TVB they always have people who they support and yes sometimes some people don't deserve the top 5 I think if they make the voting online for hk people and others they should at least use those results for the top 5 and maybe the actual winner. That way it's fair but knowing TVB they'll never do that and go with all the results made from the nominations. That is pretty true they do it based on popularity on the audience liking it and they play the favourites card as u mentioned.


TVB Guru

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No, but really, is the end result according to the HK voters and TVB's panel? We've always assumed that it's according to both, but is it really? Maybe the HK voters are to blame! Or maybe not...


TVB Guru

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I'm not too sure if it's sort of according to the HK voters and TVB"s panel. Yea we have assumed that it's according to both but we'll never know it could be based on TVB's panel only or based on the voters. Anyways did you find a job?


TVB Guru

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Lol, no! I haven't found a job yet... Well, I really haven't been trying! I wrote down a number of a local newspaper but that's far as I've done.. :)


TVB Guru

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Posts: 2014

well that's pretty good already writing down numbers and then thinking about them is good to find a good job for yourself. Are you watching any dramas currently? I mean any dramas not just TVB.


TVB Guru

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No, I'm not watching any asian dramas... I just watch Australian/American Tv :)
I still haven't watched the last disc of E.U. I started watching The Threshold of an Era but stopped after the first disc... And I have You're Hired but haven't started. Now I can't find it! What are you watching?


TVB Guru

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I'm rewatching a taiwan drama 100 % senorita. I've currently finished watching a taiwan drama my queen. Oh I finished E.U. but I haven't watched threshold of an era I saw the first 10 eps of your hired it was pretty good I like dayo and charmaine. I enjoy taiwan dramas I don't watch many American TV. Oh I hope you can find your dvd sometimes I lose them but it's not too hard to find but I rarely lose them because it's in a cupboard.


TVB Guru

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How can you not like American TV??? Lol. I watch it all the time! Half of shows aired in Australia are American!


TVB Guru

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I don't know what type of shows are considered to be American TV? the only thing I think I've ever watched is The OC. I see so none of the shows aired in Australia are TVB dramas or other countries like taiwan.


TVB Guru

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No, it's basically 60% of Tv in Australia is Australian shows, 45% is American and the rest is British/European or New Zealand. Current American shows I'm watching: Amazing Race and Glee, but it's non-ratings period at the end of the year, so nothing new is airing. I'm also a fan of Dexter, Brothers & Sisters, Desperate Housewives, Medium, America's Next Top Model and How I Met Your Mother.

I'm surprised you don't watch much of American tv! How many (free) channels do you guys have over there? You have NBC, CBS, HBO, ABC etc.?


TVB Guru

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I'm not too sure but I think we have some of those channels but maybe I just don't pay attention to them I usually watch the same channels. I've heard of glee my friend said it was similar to high school musical.


TVB Guru

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Yeah, but Glee is more aimed at older teenagers... There's a lot of adult jokes etc.


TVB Guru

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I c but my friend is in university and another one is my classmate but we're in gr 11 so it's not too kidlike.


TVB Guru

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Oh ok :) The year's nearly over! I gotta go christmas shopping soon!!


TVB Guru

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I was just on Facebook.. and I think I found Raymond Lam :)
Lol... I was bored.


TVB Guru

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Posts: 2014

I c oh I got to go christmas shopping too oh my dad came back last night and I ended up getting two tvbuddy's they are so cute and my mom thought they were toys.


TVB Guru

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lol :) That's awesome! How big were they??


TVB Guru

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there was one small and one big I think one's a girl and the other one is the boy but the boy one is bigger.


TVB Guru

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Lol - they have genders?? :) I have another boring day at home... Waiting for my exam results (should come in next week).


TVB Guru

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I don't know I guessed cuz one fo them had on a dress and the other one wore a coat and pants. Oh I hope that you passed your exams.


TVB Guru

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Oh ok.. Thanks Sango! I already know most of my marks from talking to my teachers, but i don't know my scaled marks yet. I'm not sure if the system's the same in the U.S. We have raw and scaled marks. So far, I got 75% for Chemistry, 90 for Literature and 100 for English!! So, i'm pretty happy for now.


TVB Guru

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i am officially on christmas break, WOOT WOOT! im suppose to be getting ready to go out and help out at a christmas festival but im on funzone instead... haha

SOOOO what's up with everyone?!


TVB Guru

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Hi!!! I've been on a break too!! I start university in March :)

I've been great, finished for the year! Waiting on my results and university offers :)


TVB Guru

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Posts: 2014

hi tiffany

that's nice I'm on christmas break too I finished my last day of school before christmas break but it's still sad because I still have to do work over the weekend. I see it's good to help out at a christmas festival. I'm pretty good and haven't watched many tvb series sort of watching beyond realm of conscience.


TVB Guru

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Posts: 15979

How's Beyond the Realm of Conscience?
I'll probably be watching that soon.
My holidays are so boring!! Been been home all day and using all my internet... :(


TVB Guru

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Posts: 2014

it's not bad I think the suspense and storyline is moving pretty fast enough but not too fast. I see I'm home for the holidays too but I have to do projects which suck.


TVB Guru

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Oh, projects? I've got absolutely nothing to do... Gonna go christmas shopping tomorrow! :)


TVB Guru

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Hey guys! I'm running out of internet credit... So, I probably won't be on in the next few days... That means I might not be back until after christmas! So Merry Christmas to all you guys first!! :) Have an awesome week.


TVB Guru

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Posts: 2014

merry christmas to u too Anthony. Have an awesome week too.


TVB Guru

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:) Merry Christmas everyone!!! It's midday on the 25th in Australia :) Have great holidays guys!


TVB Guru

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Posts: 2014

Merry Christmas everyone it's just the 25th here in Canada. Have a great holiday too AM.


TVB Guru

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Sorry, I didn't get a chance to come on, but I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and wish you all a happy new year. Bye!


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TVB Guru

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Hi everyone!! Merry Christmas, honeybee! I had a great Christmas week! :) Can't wait for the new year! 2009's been a great year for me and I can't wait to see what next year has to offer.


TVB Guru

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hey guys!!just wanna say merry christmas!!! =)


TVB Guru

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Hi YingYing!!!! Nice to hear from you!! :) It's been a while!


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