Next: 1) She threw a piece of paper at a guy. 2) The guy, turns around and looks at her. 3) She smiles. 4) He pickes up the paper and reads it. 5) She smiles again.
Next: 1. In a restaurant. 2. Laughing at a guy who has puffyy lips. 3. His lips are puffy from her poison. 4. She's evil. 5. There are people trying to catch her. 6. Her sister's husband/boyfriend helps her.
Well since no one is going to post the next one, I'll do it.
NEXT: 1. she made him confess his feelings to her 2. everyone in the room cheered for them 3. he offer her a hug 4. she hugged him and they both smiled
Next: 1) Female, Ancient Series. 2) Smiles when the guy she likes is winning in a fight. 3) Everytime he has a fight with someone, she always helps him out by telling him the opponent's next move etc.
Next: 1) Female, Ancient Series. 2) Was on her way to someone's birthday celebration. 3) Was urged to gamble, because they said "you look very lucky today". 4) She smiled because she thought that she would win some money to buy a big birthday present for that person's birthday.