Next: 1) Was riding horses with her younger brother. 2) Her and her brother, stopped to rest, and she went to get water from a river. 3) Their horses were then stolen, and she also met a guy by the river.
Next: 1) She was carrying stuff on her back (Buckets or something). 2) She then ran into 2 guys that she knew when she was young. 3) She had/has a crush on one of them. 2006.
Next: 1) She was lying on a bed/throne. 2) Someone came to ask her for something. 3) The bottom half of her body was swinging (wobbling) behind her. Hint: Fantasy Series.
Next: 1) She appeared at the beginning of the series. 2) She was arguing with people about her son's position in the game. 3) Afterwards, he son moved into the middle.