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Post Info TOPIC: Most Beautiful, Most Noble, Most goodhearted... Most of Everything: LWOLAP [vote!]

TVB Obsess

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Most Beautiful, Most Noble, Most goodhearted... Most of Everything: LWOLAP [vote!]

LWOLAP: PICK one minimum and two maximum for each!

Most Beautiful

1) Charmaine Sheh (Mung Yiu)

2) Sonija Kwok (Bik Wun)

3) Sharon Chan (Yeh Yuet)

4) Akina Hong (Lady Gook)

5) Mimi Lo (Lady Wan Ching)

6) Other if there's any

Most Handsome (the one you feel with the most comfortable and manly feeling)

1) Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit)

2) Bosco Wong (Haun Pak)

3) Other

Most Loyal

1) Derek Kwok (Pong Ban)

2) Sonija Kwok (Bing Wan)

3) The red haired Mongol guy

4) Hak Chek (another loyal Mongol general)

5) Benz Hui (General Hui)

6) Other

Most Kind-Hearted

1) Evergreen Mak (Yeen Wong)

2) Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit)

3) Bosco Wong (Haun Pak)

4) Other

Most Chemistry Building between the characters

1) Power Chan

2) Other

Most respected/Noble

1) David Keung (Geung Dai Wai)

2) Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit)

3) Evergreen Mak (Yeen Wong)

4) Bosco Wong (Haun Pak)

5) Charmaine Sheh (Mung Yiu)

6) Siut Nei (Charmaine's master: Yeen See Tai)

7) Derek Kwok (Pong Ban)

8) Other

Best chemistry: Pick one for each: love chemistry, brother-sister chemistry[either real or not], sifu and student, friend-friend chemistry, young-an elder like father or adult...other

1) Raymond and Bosco

2) Raymond and Charmaine

3) Bosco and his Gaun Dad

4) Bosco and Sharon

5) Derek and Raymond

6) Derek and Sonija

7) Evergreen and Sharon

8) Evergreen and David Keung

9) Evergreen and Bosco

10) David Keung and Akina Hong

11) Power and Mimi

12) Power and Charmaine

13) David Keung and Bosco

14) Bosco and the Emperor



Don't let this interfere with your voting but in my opinion, the characters that actually made me love them more and more is Fung Hung Lit [Raymond], Yeen Wong [Evergreen], Fan Hing [Power Chan]: they have one of the best personalities and Charmaine's love for Raymond too. Her love for him is very strong though I also liked Sharon and Bosco's very interesting chemistry and time together. Even I liked for the fact that they ended up together, I still felt sorry for Evergreen. He did so much for her and is sooooo good of a person in general and even more especially for her. David Keung and Derek Kwok also won my respect. The greatest personality of all is of Evergreen and Raymond: I enjoy seeing everything Evergreen did to his people but Raymond is the "chung ching" kind of person "care about the people and the ones that are his friends and the ones he love. It felt so good that even though Bosco injured him in the meanwhile, he didn't even intend to injure Bosco, he just hurt him with the part that's not even dangerous, shows everyone in the series that no matter how much he wants his or you can say Pong Ban's [Derek] dream to come true, he will never try to hurt his friends.

ANgelA ^^

~Heart of Greed~

TVB Fanatic

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Most Beautiful=Charmaine her appearance was so graceful

Most Handsome=I like Bosco but i think in this series raymond looks alot better so ya RAYMOND

Most Loyal=i was going to say Sonija but she wasn't really loyal to her tribe so i would say Pong Ban(DEREK KWOK) because he was just testing raymond the whole time and he is really loyal to his kind of ppl

Most Kind-hearted=Evergreen Mak because even though he likes Sharon he is willing to give her up for the one she loves and for Bosco

Chemistry Building-Power Chan ofcourse plus he was funny

Respected/noble=David Keung I actually almost cried when he died! lol

Chemistry!!=umm i cant decide on all of them but here are some that i thought of

Love=Raymond and Charmaine, umm they weren't the PERFECT couple but i love their chemistry and obstacles

Friendship=Power and Charmaine, haha it was funny when they were just first meeting eachother and stuff lol

Si Fu and Toe Die(lol)=I would say the common one which is Bosco and David Keung ]

I lUv BoScO~~ ^_-

TVB Obsess

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Most Beautiful

4) Akina Hong (Lady Gook): elegance

1) Charmaine Sheh (Mung Yiu): innocence

Most Handsome

1) Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit): his deep voice and everything just did it all

Most Loyal

1) Derek Kwok (Pong Ban): loyal to his people and his Siu Ju [Raymond]

2) Sonija Kwok (Bing Wan): loyal to Pong Ban despite how everyone sees him as a "Dai Mo Tou"

***Together they make the pitiful chemistry***

Most Kind-hearted

1) *quoted by DDRQueenie: Evergreen Mak because even though he likes Sharon he is willing to give her up for the one she loves and for Bosco

- I definitely agree to that... Evergreen constantly wanted Bosco to have a fair chance against him for Sharon to pick... you can just see how much he cares for Sharon... the times on the grasslands [he was so happy with her in that kind of simple times], and when the time he found out that Bosco and Sharon were not real siblings, he can't even stand a moment keeping this secret away from her and so he let her pick... [that's such a hard thing to do because you could see that Bosco wasn't going to tell her anyway and that Sharon was actually enjoying her time with Evergreen]

2)  Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit)

- It was so.... a feeling so hard to describe when you saw at the end thinking that Raymond has changed so much since Pong Ban's death[Derek], being a Mongol king willing to do anything in order to win better lives for his people, and in reality he still cares so much about Bosco that when they clash in their 2-person battle, he just hit Bosco with the dull end of the sword while Bosco really stabbed him [though not deep enough to kill him because Bosco is also a person that cares a lot about friendship

Most Chemistry Building between the characters

1) Power Chan: definitely him... so funny so smart... always knows what others are thinking and knows how to make the best out of it... understanding to friends as well

Most respected/Noble

1) David Keung (Geung Dai Wai): very noble... very fair... always taught Bosco to remember to keep a "Chek Chi Zi Sum" [good heart]... even when he was to die, he said that all was his responsibility to protect Evergreen[Yeen Wong]... he knows that not all Mongols are bad... he freed them when the emperor Zhu was going to kill them

3) Evergreen Mak (Yeen Wong): no doubt... no need to mention.

***Both all along believed that Raymond is not of a bad person, he is just one that fate has brought him against their beliefs.

love chemistry: Raymond and Charmaine

brother-sister chemistry[either real or not]: Evergreen and Sharon

sifu and student: David Keung and Bosco

friend-friend chemistry: Power and Charmaine

young-an elder like father or adult...other: Bosco and his Gaun Dad


ANgelA ^^

~Heart of Greed~

TVB Guru

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Most Beautiful

1) Charmaine Sheh (Mung Yiu)

Most Handsome (the one you feel with the most comfortable and manly feeling)

1) Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit)

2) Bosco Wong (Haun Pak)

Most Loyal

6) Other
I pick raymond becuz he is loyal to his friends (he let Bosco won the fight)

Most Kind-Hearted

1) Evergreen Mak (Yeen Wong)

Most Chemistry Building between the characters

1) Power Chan

Most respected/Noble

1) David Keung (Geung Dai Wai)

Best chemistry: Pick one for each: love chemistry, brother-sister chemistry[either real or not], sifu and student, friend-friend chemistry, young-an elder like father or adult...other

1) Raymond and Bosco (best friends)

2) Raymond and Charmaine (best chemistry)

3) Bosco and his Gaun Dad (good father and son)

4) Bosco and Sharon (not the best but is very cute)

5) Derek and Raymond (good loyalty from derek)

12) Power and Charmaine (thier like brother and sister, thier funny together)

Ok i took out all the ones that i didnt pick at all.


TVB Obsess

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Posts: 159

Most Beautiful- Charmaine Sheh

Most Handsome- Raymond Lam

Most loyal- Derek Kwok

Most kind-hearted- Evergreen Mak

Most chemistry building between the characters- Power Chan

Most respected/noble- David Keung

Best chemistry- Bosco and Sharon, other: Power and bosco


TVB Fanatic

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Most Beautiful

Charmaine Sheh (Mung Yiu)

Most Handsome (the one you feel with the most comfortable and manly feeling)

Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit)

Most Loyal

Derek Kwok (Pong Ban)

Most Kind-Hearted

Evergreen Mak (Yeen Wong)

Most Chemistry Building between the characters

Power Chan

Most respected/Noble

David Keung (Geung Dai Wai)

Best chemistry: Pick one for each: love chemistry, brother-sister chemistry[either real or not], sifu and student, friend-friend chemistry, young-an elder like father or adult...other

 Raymond and Bosco (Best Friends)

 Raymond and Charmaine (Good Chemical)

 Bosco and Sharon (okay Chemical) 


TVB Fanatic

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Most Beautiful

1) Charmaine Sheh (Mung Yiu)

Even though I don't really like her, I got to admit, that she's got something very special in this series, really liked her as Mung Yiu

Most Handsome (the one you feel with the most comfortable and manly feeling)

1) Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit)
This got to be Fung Hung Lit, he was even more handsome when he had his Mongolian look.

Most Loyal

1) Derek Kwok (Pong Ban)
Of course Pong Ban, I mean he sacrified everything for Fung Hung Lit, his love, Bing Wan, and even his life.

Most Kind-Hearted

2) Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit)

3) Bosco Wong (Haun Pak)

I say both since I think they were both kindhearted in a way. Most would say Bosco, but I think Raymond, tơ since I mean he just fought for his folk, one can't say he's really cruel because of that since in the end he chose his friends.

Most Chemistry Building between the characters

1) Power Chan

Yeah, he was very entertaining in this serie, loved his character, a really nice and smart guy.

Most respected/Noble

2) Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit)

3) Evergreen Mak (Yeen Wong)

I think both have made great emperors, they have their own attitudes and are kindhearted and want the best for their folks.

Best chemistry: Pick one for each: love chemistry, brother-sister chemistry[either real or not], sifu and student, friend-friend chemistry, young-an elder like father or adult...other

1) Raymond and Bosco -> friends

3) Bosco and his Gaun Dad -> father and son

5) Derek and Raymond -> ermmm...what do you call that general and his superior, his future king?????

6) Derek and Sonija -> lovers

10) David Keung and Akina Hong

12) Power and Charmaine -> friend-friend

13) David Keung and Bosco -> sifu and student

Dream as if you'll live as if you'll die today!

TVB Trainee

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Most Beautiful

1) Charmaine Sheh (Mung Yiu)

3) Sharon Chan (Yeh Yuet)

Most Handsome (the one you feel with the most comfortable and manly feeling)

1) Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit)

Most Loyal

2) Sonija Kwok (Bing Wan)

5) Benz Hui (General Hui)

Most Kind-Hearted

1) Evergreen Mak (Yeen Wong)

3) Bosco Wong (Haun Pak)

Most Chemistry Building between the characters

1) Power Chan

Most respected/Noble

1) David Keung (Geung Dai Wai)

Best chemistry: Pick one for each: love chemistry, brother-sister chemistry[either real or not], sifu and student, friend-friend chemistry, young-an elder like father or adult...other

love chemistry 2) Raymond and Charmaine
                           Bosco and Sharon

young-an elder like father or adult3) Bosco and his Gaun Dad

brother-sister chemistry[either real or not]7) Evergreen and Sharon

friend-friend chemistry12) Power and Charmaine

sifu and student13) David Keung and Bosco



TVB Fanatic

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Most Beautiful

3) Sharon Chan (Yeh Yuet)

4) Akina Hong (Lady Gook)

Most Handsome (the one you feel with the most comfortable and manly feeling)

1) Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit)

2) Bosco Wong (Haun Pak)

Most Loyal

2) Sonija Kwok (Bing Wan) - I feel she's very loyal to Pang Ban.

3) The red haired Mongol guy - LOL. He's very loyal to the mongolian tribe!

Most Kind-Hearted

1) Evergreen Mak (Yeen Wong)

3) Bosco Wong (Haun Pak)

Most Chemistry Building between the characters

1) Power Chan - Haha! I love him! He's so hilarious!

Most respected/Noble

1) David Keung (Geung Dai Wai) - He's damn noble la! He give up his life for Evergreen. I love him man! Hahas. :D

Best chemistry:

1) Raymond and Bosco - Brotherly Chemistry

3) Bosco and his Gaun Dad - LOL. Father & Son Chemistry. xD

4) Bosco and Sharon - I love them! They're so cute!

11) Power and Mimi - LOL. Hilarious!

12) Power and Charmaine - Best Friends Chemistry/Brother-Sister Chemistry.

14) Bosco and the Emperor - There were cute scenes of them! xD


x3The Seventh Day.
.Kevin Cheng & Niki Chow.


TVB Crazy

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Most Beautiful

1) Charmaine Sheh (Mung Yiu)

Most Handsome (the one you feel with the most comfortable and manly feeling)

1) Raymond Lam (Fung Hung Lit)

Most Kind-Hearted

3) Bosco Wong (Haun Pak)

Most Chemistry Building between the characters

1) Power Chan

Most respected/Noble

8) Other

Best chemistry: Pick one for each: love chemistry, brother-sister chemistry[either real or not], sifu and student, friend-friend chemistry, young-an elder like father or adult...other

1) Raymond and Bosco


mollyRAYILYbanner02.jpg picture by mollydo331

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myolie wu,bosco wong,leila tong,ron ng,raymond lam

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