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Post Info TOPIC: Game 478 - TVB Challenge - honeybee

TVB Guru

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Game 478 - TVB Challenge - honeybee

Since most of the games have ended, I will be starting a game.

This game will be similar to the past few games (like AM's, koalagurl's, Nikki Smiles') that we (or most of us) have played.
There will be 10 rounds. Each player will start out with 100 points.


I will post the rules for each round. I will probably add/change some as we go along.
I will specify how many answers to post in each round and how many points you may earn for each answer/set of answers.

If a player answers incorrectly or does not reply within a day or two, points may be deducted. Points deducted will vary, depending on how many points each answer/set of answers are worth.

For the bonus rounds, you cannot post back-to-back, but you can post after 2 hours after your own post (two-hour rule instead of one-hour).

Also, you do not have to go in the order you registered.

If you would like to participate, please register now or as soon as possible because registering late will be to your disadvantage and because I would like to start the game soon. Good luck to all!

-- Edited by honeybee at 19:22, 2007-12-10


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

TVB Guru

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Participant #1: AM_092.
Can't wait to play :) Hope there'll be a lot of players :)


TVB Guru

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participant 2


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participant 3
I'm probably going to suck though ahaha

-- Edited by koalagurl1993 at 21:52, 2007-12-05


he's still my Mr. Hott Dude :]

TVB Guru

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participant # 4


TVB Guru

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participant 5!! shall have loadsa time after this week cos no more coursework and hols soon =D


TVB Obsess

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participant 6!!!!


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participant 7


TVB Guru

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Wow! 7 participants! I didn't think there would be this many. Anyway, I will start the game soon, maybe tonight (if I'm not too tired).

AM: You seem so excited!

Well, I have thought of some questions to ask but many questions have already been asked, since there have already been a few games played. I don't know if my questions will have a lot of answers or not (I didn't bother to check if they do or not), but I sure hope so. There will be a few rounds that is similar to others' games like AM's. (Sorry, AM, for copying your ideas). Again, good luck to all!


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

TVB Guru

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Just trying to raise enthusiasm :)
Ideas are ideas, just as long as we get to have a lot of fun games to play :)
In the future, I'll probably copy someone else's game if it's a good one.
Hope you start tonight!


TVB Guru

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AM: Haha...thanks! Sorry, I didn't start last night, but I am right now.

1. AM - 100
2. Nikki - 100
3. koalagurl - 100
4. sango - 100
5. YingYing - 100
6. little_devilz - 100
7. tcg1026 - 100

Round 1
Name an actor/actress (including the series) who has acted as or pretended to be a monk/nun. (10 pts)

1. Name only ONE. After all players have gone once, you can post more (only TWO max per post) for bonus points (15 pts/30 pts).
2. Extra bonus points received if you could give an explanation of why that actor/actress became/pretended to be a monk/nun. (10-20 pts)
3. You will lose 10 points if you give an incorrect answer or fail to answer.

4. For the bonus rounds, you cannot post back-to-back, but you can post after 2 hours after your own post (two-hour rule instead of one-hour).

Good luck!

-- Edited by honeybee at 19:03, 2007-12-10


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

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Kwong Wah - Journey to the West 1/2

His mother abandoned him on a river to save him from this fake emperor. A monk saw him on the river and "adopted" him so he became a monk himself.


TVB Guru

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Jimmy Au in Pillowcase of a mystery

he felt guilty for stealing the gold and decided to become a monk.

Honeybee: what's your definition of a monk. does he have to be bold? and your definition of a nun?


TVB Guru

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chris lai in land of wealth- ending

he felt ashamed of his parent's actions and wanted to start a new life where god could forgive their sins


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Ron Ng in Lost in The Chamber of Love

there were no more monks to serve Michelle Yip and her mom (they all had stomach aches)


he's still my Mr. Hott Dude :]

TVB Guru

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Gigi Lai in Doomed to Oblivion.

-That was kind of her punishment, and also because she realised that she was wrong.


TVB Guru

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Joey Leung in Jouney to the west 2

he was a bad person just like Benny Chan... so he was placed in the watchful eye of a monk who raised him up to follow the monk ways of life but he eventually became jealous of Benny Chan.


TVB Guru

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Nikki: I know your answer (Joey Leung in Journey to the West II) is right because he did become a monk (though he didn't shave his head), but your explanation is incorrect. Your explanation sounds more like Derek Kwok.

Anyway, I hope we can start the bonus round soon, since we only have one player left to reply :)


TVB Guru

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Wait in confused.... didnt Joey started off bad but then turned good, but then turned back to evil cuz he was jealous?


TVB Guru

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Joey is a Bear.
He lived in the wild and killed (ate) many innocent people, until one day, he met a monk who he was going to kill. The Monk then preached to him, but suddenly some large rocks begin to fall from the hills above, and the Monk pushed Joey away, and was hit by a rock and died.
As a result, Joey decided to find a Monk to be his master.
So, Joey began to journey across the land finding monks. He wanted to find a 'good' monk like the one who saved him, so he decided to scare all the Monks that he meets to see if they are frightened or not. If they are not, they must be a brave/powerful/good monk...
Because of this, Joey scared a lot of Monks to death over the years.
Then one day, he had the chance to scare Felix Lok (a greedy/deceitful Monk)...
When Joey scared Felix, Felix didn't run away, but not because he wasn't scared, but he was too scared to move... and because of this Joey thought Felix was the 'One' and asked to be his disciple.
Felix thought this would be a good chance to promote his temple.
Felix then made Joey appear in Villages to scare people, and Felix would come to 'tame' him, which made everyone think how good and powerful Felix was.
Felix convinced Joey that by doing this, Joey was making the world a better place, which made Joey happy...

Later on, Benny Chan, Kong Wah, Wayne Lai and Evergreen Mak came to their temple, and Felix Lok was jealous of Kong Wah's 'Monk' robe (not the one that he usually wears, but a valuable one that is usually hid in the trunk that Evergreen carries. The Robe was given to Kong Wah by the Female Buddha - Sorry I know that's not the right term)...
Felix then convinced Joey that the Robe is his, so Joey decided to compete with Benny, Wayne and Evergreen to 'Win' back the gown...

After all the fighting and etc... The 'Female Buddha' preached to Joey and told him that everything he did was wrong, though his intentions were correct. As a result she took him away to teach him... Felix Lok was also punished.

-This was basically everything in this part of the series. But Joey did appear again later on, opening a temple with Rain Lau, Law Lan, Marianne Chan, the Lion Beast, and the Elephant Beast.


TVB Obsess

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can i pass on thiz round???....

-- Edited by little_devilz at 11:29, 2007-12-13


TVB Guru

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little_devilz: OK, but you will lose 10 points.

Nikki: I think your explanation sounds a bit more like Derek too.

AM: Thanks for your explanation!

YingYing: I don't really have a definition for a monk. I do think monks are bald, but there are some that aren't. What everyone has mentioned so far are fine. Are you worried about me taking off points? Don't worry! As long as it's acceptable, I won't take off any or many points.

1. AM - 130
2. Nikki - 120
3. koalagurl - 130
4. sango - 130
5. YingYing - 130
6. little_devilz - 90
7. tcg1026 - 130

Let the bonus round begin!

-- Edited by honeybee at 11:50, 2007-12-13


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

TVB Guru

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yuen biao - the ultimate crimefighter - he was guilty for killing someone so decided to follow the monks for a while..

dayo wong - men dont cry - he pretended to be one to cure vivienne yeo's illness..


TVB Guru

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Fan Siu Wong in the Demi Gods and Semi Devils 1997.
-He was brought up as a Monk.

Lau Kong in the Demi Gods and Semi Devils 1997.
-Didn't really explain in the series, but I assume he became a Monk from a younger age after doing some bad things...


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Leila's dad in Twin of Brothers
he wanted to repent and turn a new leaf

how many can we post at a time?


he's still my Mr. Hott Dude :]

TVB Guru

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Koalagurl1993: Two.

I just remembered about the 2-hour rule...

Jay Lau in the Demi Gods and Semi Devils 1997.
-She was undercover to find information.

Gordon Lam in Road to Eternity.
-He was one is his past life.


TVB Guru

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Gordon lau in HSDS2000..was a bad monk..dunno why he was one though..

felix lok in journey to the west - another bad monk..likes to con people..


TVB Guru

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Rain Lau in Road to Eternity.
-She a con-artist. Pretends to be a Monk to get money.

Angela Tong in Road to Eternity.
-Becomes a Monk after she realised the bad things that she did.


TVB Guru

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Angie Cheung in Journey to the West 2.
-She becmae Good. The rest of her clan/sect also became monks.

Derek Kwok in Journey to the West 2.
-He was good in his next life, and became one of those 18 monks...


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Annie Man's brother in PillowCase of mystery
he was sad that the whole sect/family was gone


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Chun Wong in Face to Fate - don't know why though
Dicky Cheung in Duke of the Mount Deer 2000 - The emperor gave him a mission and sent him to the monk place so Dicky can find his father for him.


TVB Guru

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Gordon Lau in Lost in the Chamber of Love.
-Not sure why.

Kong Hon in the Demi Gods and Semi Devils 1997.
-He is the Emperor. He first became a Monk to learn a type of kung fu to save Benny Chan, but then he decided to stay as a Monk because he understood the teachings of buddhism etc...


TVB Guru

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Jordan Chan in the Duke of Mount Deer 1998.
-He became a Monk under Steven Ma's (The Emperor) orders.

Cheung Kwok Keung in the Duke of Mount Deer 1998.
-Steven Ma's Father. Became a Monk after his concubines died. He thought that he had nothing left to cherish in the Imperial Palace.


TVB Guru

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Law Lan in State of Divinity 1996.
-She was one the higher ranked ones in the clan. She was probably a Monk from a young age.

Ho Mei Tin in State of Divinity 1996.
-She became a Monk when she was younger, when her parents left her at the clan (or someting...)


TVB Guru

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Stephen Wong in the Gentle Crackdown.
-He was the Monk that was hired by Cindy Au to poison Niki Chow, though the plan back-fired and Cindy got poisoned. Unsure if his reasons of becoming a Monk.

Chun Wong in Road to Eternity.
-He's the monk in the 'Bag'. Unsure if his reasons of becoming a Monk.


TVB Guru

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hmmm..would you consider leila to be some kinda nun in twin of brothers?? or maybe wai ying hung in hsds 2000??


TVB Guru

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I'm not going to count Leila as a nun, but Wai Ying Hung is ok.


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

TVB Guru

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Michelle Yip in Eternal Happiness.
-She wore Monk clothes... and was going to see Joe Ma, but Raymond Lam showed up.

Lau Kong in the Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (Tony Leung Version).
-Evil Monk. Not sure why he became a Monk.


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Charmaine Sheh in Crimson Sabre
she wanted to forget the past and start a new life

Kong Wah in Journey to the West
I don't think it said why he became a monk


he's still my Mr. Hott Dude :]

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Edmond Leung in The Monkey King - Quest For The Sutra
- not sure why (i'm guessing it's same as kwong wah in journey in the west 2)

-- Edited by tcg1026 at 22:30, 2007-12-15


TVB Guru

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Lee Lai Lai in the Duke of Mount Deer 1998 (same character as Charmaine Sheh in Crimson Sabre).
-She became a Monk after her father died/her country was lost.

Yu Tze Ming in the Duke of Mount Deer 1998 (he helped Jordan Chan when he came to the Temple to become a Monk under the Emperor's orders).
-He explained that he became a Monk since he was a child.


TVB Guru

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Evergreen Mak in Crimson Sabre.
-Unsure why he became a Monk.

Carman Lee in the Demi Gods and Semi Devils 1997.
-She and Benny Chan were kidnapped by Lee Kwok Lun, and on their journey, she was forced to dress up as a Male Monk to reduce suspicion.


TVB Guru

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benz hui - to get unstuck in time - he didnt want to intefere with destiny anymore and didnt want to change things

sherming yiu - justice sung 2


TVB Guru

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Nikki: Annie Man's brother in 'A Pillow Case'? Are you talking about Jimmy Au? If you are, YingYing had already mentioned him.

1. AM - 780 (+650 bonus)
2. Nikki - 120
3. koalagurl - 200 (+70 bonus)
4. sango - 130
5. YingYing - 295 (+165 bonus)
6. little_devilz - 90
7. tcg1026 - 195 (+65 bonus)

Round 2
Name 2 actors/actresses (including the series and relationship) who has acted as Charmaine Sheh's family member (also includes cousins, in-laws; will also count adoptive parents). (30+ pts)


1. Name TWO actors/actress (10 pts each) and also name the series (5 pts each) and the relationship between that person and Charmaine. Try to name all series. If an actor/actress has been a family member of Charmaine in more than one series, list them separately (as if they're a different actor/actress), but this will only count as one actor/actress; you must still name another actor/actress.

Paul Chun in Golden Faith (father)
Paul Chun in Family Man (father)

Raymond Lam in Golden Faith (brother)

(NOTE: The example was not for Charmaine.)

2. You may name the actor/actress (even if that person has been named) if there is a series (in which they played as Charmaine's family member) that hasn't been named.
3. After all players have gone once, you can post more (only TWO max per post) for bonus points (20+ pts/40+ pts).
3. You will lose 10-20 points if you give an incorrect answer or fail to answer.
4. For the bonus rounds, you cannot post back-to-back, but you can post after 2 hours after your own post (two-hour rule instead of one-hour).

-- Edited by honeybee at 22:46, 2007-12-16


Credits to: lil_poopie (banner), rawrr._ (avie)

TVB Guru

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-Damian Lau in the Drive of Life (Father in-Law).
-Gigi Wong in the Drive of Life (Mother in-Law).


TVB Guru

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Sorry, I forgot that we needed to wait for everyone to go around once, before the Bonus Round...

-- Edited by AM_092 at 07:24, 2007-12-17


TVB Guru

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Yuen wah in word twisters adventure (father)
Tavia Yeung in Yummy Yummy (half-sister)


TVB Guru

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raymond lam in the drive of life (husband)
jordan chan in world twisters adventure (husband)


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Sammul Chan in Maiden's Vow (husband)
Joe Ma in Maiden's Vow (Husband)


TVB Guru

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Lau Dan in Food for Life (Father)
Kenny Wong in Dance of Passiion (Husband)

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