Next: 1) Male, anceint series. 2) He killed the husband of the woman, that he had an affair with. 3) He didn't actually kill him, but planned his death. 4) The guy was killed by bandits.
1) She kills her brother. 2) She kills him by putting a little bit of poison in his tea every day. 3) He dies in the end, and everyone thinks that he died from a disease.
(I'm not sure if he really died from a disease or from her poison, because the series didn't explain it properly. But i think he died from her poison).
Next: 1) The killer is a guy. 2) He kills an evil guy, who was taking his wife hostage. 3) Kills him with a gunshot to the head. 4) At a train station. Hint: 2006.
next: 1. he wanted to learn kung fu from him 2. he used the girl he liked in exchange to be his student 3. he killed him after he had learned everything from him
Next: 1) Killed his friend's mother. 2) His friend's mother accidentally overheard something. 3) The building was on fire at the time. 4) His friend's father also died, and the building's fire was also his fault.